Maryland man sentenced to 1 year in jail for hosting two large parties

Harbingers of the new Dark Age abound. Shawn Myers broke the local despot’s COVID decrees, and so he was made into an example for the rest of Maryland’s peasant class. One question that should be on everyone’s mind, but probably isn’t: Does a 0.05% mortality rate justify a police state, or the type of cruel, petty authoritarianism that Mr. Myers has been subjected to? Even the CDC now admits that COVID-19 poses no abnormal risk to anyone, so why the continued thuggery on the part of the Parasitic Class? Why do so many still go along with the charade? How many must suffer under these totalitarian diktats before it is openly admitted that it was all for nothing?

Texas children’s hospital sees sharp rise in child suicide attempts

This is happening all over the United States. I wonder who will have the mental and emotional fortitude to tally the child deaths that were a direct result of locking down their world.

One way to look at lockdowns is to see them as a war waged by the hypochondriac older generations against the young. “Older” really meaning any adult demographic who has bought into the COVID lies. Children and young adults must sacrifice their precious youth on the altar of reality-detached paranoia and fear, according to the new religion. No more carefree childhood, we must hide it behind masks, destroy their every citadel of childhood joy, and make them believe that any activity they wish to engage in is not a right, but a mere privilege, to be taken away at a moment’s notice.

This is the doctrine of a Puritanical doomsday religion, practiced by people who have slowly developed a subconscious hatred for our modern, open social world. We must cower in superstitious fear, allow totalitarian government to emerge, and await Judgment Day. And any unapproved, spontaneous fun on the part of children or young adults is sure to anger the COVID god, and make our impending punishment far worse.

This is really the only way to interpret the ravings of the COVID cultists. It’s not reason, it’s primitive emotion and instinct taking over their brains. It will drag us back to a new Dark Age if we allow it.

More thoughts on the police misconduct debate

It is possible to be pro-police while also recognizing that police need accountability and limits on their power.

It is possible to recognize that a police presence is crucial to the protection of society, while simultaneously recognizing that many cops commit serious crimes while wearing the badge.

It is possible to support police while also supporting the prosecution and punishment of bad cops.

It is possible to support police while also calling for justice for victims of police violence.

It is even possible to support many of the reforms demanded from Black Lives Matter without believing that every single white person is irredeemably racist.


The loudest, most ignorant voices from both sides of the debate, the only voices being heard now, will say that none of these are possible. At one point, there was much common ground between BLM and supporters of police. It was a rare opportunity for both sides to work together. That moment has long since passed.

This is sad, because it means that nothing will change.

Breonna Taylor was murdered by police during a no-knock raid

The debate over police misconduct has devolved into the most idiotic spectacle, an endless exchange of insults between Dumb and Dumber, rather than a real debate. Breonna Taylor was murdered while she slept by trigger-happy cops executing a no-knock raid on the wrong apartment. Taylor’s boyfriend, a registered gun owner, believing this to be a home invasion, picked up his weapon and fired at the invading thugs. In return, the police fired wildly into the dark apartment, hitting Taylor eight times. One officer fired his weapon 10 times, with three bullets passing through the walls to the other apartment, coming very close to killing even more innocents during their violence-fueled home invasion. He was the only cop to face actual charges for endangerment.

Unfortunately, BLM rioting has set the police misconduct debate back by years. The rioting has awoken the drones who will blindly defend every action by police, no matter how egregious, and smear every victim of police violence, no matter how innocent. Their past will be dragged into the public eye, and the gaggle of idiots, with their usual air of absolute certainty, will hold it up as some kind of post-mortum indictment: “see, she deserved to die!” It’s pathetic, but those are the voices currently drowning out any sign of intelligence within the police brutality debate.

One good thing has emerged in the aftermath of Taylor’s death: Louisville, Kentucky, has now banned the use of no-knock warrants.