An observation

What does it say about a society that punishes the healthy for the benefit of the unhealthy? If the broad majority of people immediately accept this as a normal state of affairs? Why does it seem that there exists a humming undercurrent of envy and hatred for the healthy, happy, and carefree by the obese, depressed, and chronically ill?

I write this as I quarantine with my children, neither of whom have experienced any COVID symptoms. We are all required to take the PCR test and tip-toe around, lest we somehow further damage the health of the growing number of extremely unhealthy people that live and work in this city.

This should be seen as an alarming state of affairs, this “protection” of the unhealthy through the sacrifice of the healthy and young. How long can such a society endure?

Investigation has begun into England’s use of blanket ‘do not resuscitate’ orders for nursing home COVID patients

Unbelievable and barbaric. Over 18,000 died in England’s nursing homes from “confirmed or suspected” COVID cases. How many of these were refused medical care at a hospital and just allowed to die?

It will be interesting to see the depths of barbarism that some of these governments sunk to during the first few months of COVID madness. In particular is New York state, home to the highest COVID mortality rate in the world. Something bad happened in New York, and it wasn’t COVID.