The “Let’s kidnap Gov. Whitmer” plot was apparently hatched by the FBI agents that infiltrated the Michigan militia

As we always knew it would be. The FBI has a history of infiltrating otherwise peaceful groups and inciting violence, going so far as to supply bomb-making materials in the many cases of American Muslims getting caught in ridiculous and life-ruining sting operations. They make the FBI look good in the papers, and the subsequent revelations of pretty much 100% of the plots being found to be schemes hatched by solely the agents themselves gets a small mention in the back pages.

And sometimes the zeal of the agents gets the better of them, and the FBI-created bomb plot goes live, as was possibly the case with the 1993 WTC bombing, as well as the OKC Murray Building bombing with tales of duplicate Rider trucks, suspicious witness deaths, missing surveillance footage, et cetera.

Which is tragic, and a good reason why this FBI practice should have a serious review, and be abolished.

Now Ely Lilly has halted its COVID therapy trials over safety concerns

Will there ever be a safe and effective, and patentable, treatment for COVID to emerge from these trials? We know the answer. Everyone wants the magic bullet, and there are plenty of Pharma-funded “experts” that are willing to keep them mired in the fantasy that such a treatment is possible. Rather than being responsible for their diet and exercise, they want everyone else to be forced to roll the dice on a dangerous Pharma concoction.

Antifa pull down statues, replace them with their own weird creation

Looks like something out of Lord of the Flies, like something a pre-historic savage would build. But what else are they?


A self-inflicted tragedy in England

This cash-for-enforcement authoritarianism must stop. Here in the US as well, paying local governments and private businesses millions of dollars to enforce oppressive COVID rules or operate at half capacity/shut down entirely is the true crisis: