The Political Class tried and fails to bury the Hunter Biden laptop scandal

The Political Class tried and fails to bury the Hunter Biden laptop scandal

Director of National Intelligence confirms that the Hunter Biden revelations are not a Russian operation. Not that we needed confirmation, but maybe it will take the wind out of the sails of the Political Class’ propaganda outlets.

Isn’t it bizarre that the chosen candidate of every major entrenched political establishment  is far more corrupt than they ever pretended Trump could be? We’ve had to listen to four years of phony “Russian interference” propaganda, while Biden’s drug addict son has for years sold access to his father to some of the most authoritarian thug states in the world? And Joe has been involved this entire time. And not only this, but the story itself has been actively buried by Facebook and Twitter in order to stop its spread before the election. How is this not egregious election interference? What else will be found on Hunter’s laptop?


Author: S. Smith