Unbelievable: France and Germany announce new lockdowns

Incomprehensible human rights crimes are here being committed in broad daylight, in the name of a phantom virus that poses no real threat to anyone in at least moderate health. And where there are crimes against humanity, there are criminals committing them. The Germans and the French must bring to justice those responsible for their suffering.

Here in the U.S., the most we can hope to do is shield ourselves from the darkness that is spreading over the world. Jealously guard our liberty here, protecting it from the psychological contagion that is infecting the West. Europe is dying. We cannot be expected to bail them out, but once this is all over, we will be asked to.

The only solution I can think of that immediately comes to mind, that would begin to reverse the mad descent into true fascism, is the formation of an anti-lockdown political party. Or a group of candidates running as “anti-lockdown Republicans”. That simple name contains almost everything you need to know about the candidate, where they stand on the greatest threat to civilization that we will ever face.

COVID fundamentalists as the new Flagellants

Jeffrey Tucker, of the American Institute of Economic Research, has been the most eloquent critic of lockdown-ism during this entire charade. His recent article, “The return of the flagellants”, perfectly describes the phenomenon of a quasi-religious Doomsday cult emerging out of COVID hysteria. The exaggerated display of mask-wearing, superficial self-effacing behavior, and of course their neo-Puritan enforcement of COVID’s strictures.

From Tucker’s article:

“The lockdowns have disproportionately targeted fun. No house parties. No travel. Bowling, bars, Broadway, theater, amusement parks, all banned. Weddings, forget it. Restaurants, hotels, conventions, and even golf were all targeted by the lockdowners. 

There is an ethos here. To beat the disease, you have to suffer. You have to eschew joy. You must sit at home and go out only for bare essentials. Even today, the great disease mitigator Andrew Cuomo, who already admitted in a phone call that the lockdowns were not science but fear, has warned New Yorkers not to travel outside the state except when absolutely necessary.

There is even a costume associated with the new national penance. It’s a long sweater dress, wool leggings, clompy sneakers, gloves, and the biggest face covering you can find. It’s not about safety. It’s about symbolizing your virtue, contrition, and allegiances. 

The first time I saw this costume, which reminds me of women at a Taliban funeral, was back in mid-March. A hipster millennial, once living a carefree life, found new meaning in suffering for a cause, and quickly turned on anyone not dressed in dread while listening to the Dies Irae in one’s head.”

A disturbingly large number of people have back-peddled into a primordial religion, but one that has claimed the mantle of “Science”, and making use of a certain strain of scientists as a kind of priestly caste, shamans who give a mystical approval to the authoritarian politicians who need their seal of approval.

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