Curfews are returning to Massachusetts

How on earth are curfews/lockdowns returning to the US after everything we’ve learned about COVID? One word: propaganda.


CDC: Deaths from malignant neoplasms, diabetes, renal failure and other co-morbidities account for thousands of COVID deaths

From the CDC website:

Deaths from malignant neoplasms: 9,865

Renal failure: 19,022

Diabetes: 34,627

Alzheimer’s: 7,722

Obesity: 7,985

These deaths are all tragic, but they are not “COVID deaths”. They are deaths from other diseases that are being laundered, politicized, and used as a weapon to force through policies that are destroying the lives of millions. The vast majority of these co-morbid deaths occurred in individuals over 65. We are not dealing with a killer virus, we’re just paying attention to the US death count for the first time.

So far this year, over 2.3 million American citizens have died from all causes. An average of 2.8 million Americans die every year. We have always lived our lives as we saw fit, without descending into mass hysteria, before now. Why are we doing so now? Because the media controls the public mind. They control your emotions, your fears. They know exactly how to do it. They are doing right this moment, with their killer virus narrative. There is no killer virus, just a run-of-the-mill infection that occasionally kills people who are already immunocompromised and at risk.

We have to free ourselves of our fear and stop this devastating obsession with COVID-19.

Citizens of Barcelona are none too pleased about latest lockdown curfew

We are witnessing the rapid rise of a new fascism, an Upper Class counterrevolution, where the rulers wield lockdowns as an almost invincible weapon designed to subjugate the masses.

Young British citizens far more likely to oppose new lockdowns

The same people complaining about the “youth” are the same ones supporting the destruction of their nation and their future.


“Mask mouth” is just one dangerous reason that mask mandates must be abolished

From Yahoo Life:

“Is your mouth drier than usual? Are your gums bleeding? Do you have stained teeth or bad breath? Believe it or not, you may have a condition known as “mask mouth,” which is caused by an imbalance of the oral microbiome creating a host of inflammatory conditions.

Gerry Curatola, a biologic dentist and founder of Rejuvenation Dentistry explains what mask mouth is, how to spot it, and most importantly, how to treat it.

When you wear a face mask, it concentrates carbon dioxide in the mouth, which creates a more acidic environment. This type of environment causes an imbalance of the oral microbiome, where hundreds of billions of microorganisms live in our mouth, influencing the way our bodies promote and respond to health and disease.“

Funny how these writers act as if mask-wearing is just an unavoidable fact of life, rather than the living nightmare that we must rid ourselves of as soon as possible. We should apparently just accept it, and mitigate the obvious dangers of mask-wearing as well as possible.

Are there really so few people willing to stand up to this nonsense? Are there really so many people willing to risk their health in order to conform to COVID fundamentalism strictures?

Masks not only do not work, they are dangerous to our health. Those wearing them do so because they are eager to signal their conformity, and to not appear “insensitive” to those around them.