Rage Against the Machine joins the Machine

These guys are pathetic, low-information useful idiots. They’re allowing themselves to be exploited because they are morons who only pretend to be anti-establishment. This further feeds my theory that great artists are merely conduits for great art, ordinary people who happen to be in the right place at the right time to become a lightning rod, channeling creativity out of the aether rather than creating it themselves. This explains why so many great artists are, more often than not, utter dunces.

Results from largest mask study have been published. Masks have zero effect on COVID transmission

Masks don’t work, which is something we’ve been saying for months, but it’s now been confirmed in the latest 6,000-person study. Will governors and local politicians listen?


The New Mexico governor has become a deranged authoritarian

This person is an absolute psychopath, utterly detached from reality. COVID-19 poses no risk at all to everyone under 20 who is in normal health. It poses almost no risk any healthy person under 65/70. We have learned much about the virus over the past 8 months. It is not the boogeyman doomsday virus that we were led to believe it was. Despite this, we have actual leaders who refuse to give up their belief in the Doomsday Virus, as you can see below. She is insane on a Heaven’s Gate level, which is frightening because her reality-detached panic will cause many people in her state to panic. This has to stop at some point. The NM governor herself, not COVID, poses a far greater risk to the healthy and well-being of NM residents.