Tyranny is being normalized

The worst consequence of the past 8 months of lockdown fascism is that much of these authoritarian power grabs have become normalized. People are far more willing to accept arbitrary and random lockdowns now than they would have over a year ago. Even in the face of the clear mountain of evidence that COVID-19 is a mild virus, people have been conditioned to meekly accepting periodic and severe shutdowns, forced mask-wearing, and various public “health” campaigns that basically shame people into cowering within their homes. This is so tragic, because it will take decades to reclaim normalcy. So long as the “experts” continue to speak, as Legion did, with one voice, and so long as we listen, this descent into a psychological paralysis will be permanent. The “experts” will never change their tune. Our only choice is to reject outright the opinions of “the experts”. They must be completely discredited in our eyes. We have to break free of this reign of experts, because they hold far too much sway over public opinion currently.

Maybe an entirely new society needs to be created, where those who do reject COVID fundamentalism can migrate, and then live in peace and freedom.  Far too many have accepted with open arms this new hypochondriac religion, a society-destroying ideology, and they will never recover. They are beyond reason and argument, their evolved tribal brain has been triggered, and nothing will bring them out of it.

Signs of civilizational decay abound

Watch if you can stomach it, and understand why people have died for the ideal of freedom, the ideal of placing severe limits on the use of power. It’s because, if those limits are extended, and the restrictions loosened, casual cruelty is inflicted by those who hold power. Callous indifference to the humanity of those around them is the natural state of these thugs.