3,150 COVID vaccine recipients have experienced negative “health impact events”

Thousands of people have reported serious side effects after receiving the COVID vaccine as of December 18th, the most recent date that the CDC has reported adverse events connected to the vaccine. Up to that date, 272,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine had been administered.

It’s important to understand that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines are far different than any previous vaccine in existence. These are mRNA vaccines, which mean that they directly teach our cells how to manufacture a key viral protein that makes up COVID-19. The theory is that once our cells begin making this protein, our immune system will respond with antibodies that combat this protein.

Is it safe? Does it affect fertility? What are the long-term side effects of intervening in a cellular process that itself is a result of hundreds of millions of years of evolution?

Only time will tell. Unbeknownst to many, the vaccine tests are still underway, only now being conducted on the general population.

Are doctors/nurses who placed patients on ventilators who later died guilty of manslaughter?

Those admissions in the Wall Street Journal article should be the number one scandal of the entire phantom pandemic. Casual explanations from doctors that they ventilated patients who didn’t need it, even though they knew that those patients might die, are an outrage. An enormous crime. Here are the supposed heroes, sending patients to almost certain death based on almost zero information regarding the danger of COVID-19. Were patients or their families given a choice? I’m sure many would have elected to stay far away from the hospital had they known that the ventilator, not the virus, would kill them.

We knew early on that COVID was deadly to the elderly. That information came out of Wuhan fairly quickly. We knew that it posed no danger to children or adults in relatively good health. So, why did the doctors do this? Was it the $30,000-per-ventilated-patient incentive? I’m sure it played a role. But there is something else hiding beneath the surface that we need to reckon with:

We are not paying attention to who is becoming a doctor, or a nurse. Who are these people that are capable of committing such a ghoulish act? How can anyone truly trust anything that these medical professionals say?

The industry appears irredeemably broken. I’ve seen it myself firsthand: a medical specialist insistently demanding that he be allowed to run multiple tests on a child, even though they are clearly completely unnecessary. “The insurance pays for it”, I’m told. But that’s the trick, that’s how they make their millions. The tests are completely unnecessary, and even risky when involving radiation, but these specialists want the $20,000 payout, so they push for them.

There is no way to trust people operating in this kind of environment. It’s terrifying, and for many, including the many thousands that have died on ventilators, it’s tragic.