Find the book-burners and you’ll have found the fascists

Anyone who uses violence and intimidation to suppress dissent or alternative viewpoints is by definition a fascist. You can disagree with someone, but when you actively attempt to suppress their opinion, you accomplish two things: you tacitly admit intellectual defeat, and you reveal yourself to be a fascist. Strangely, the fascists of today brand themselves as “anti-fascist”, and label anyone they disagree with as Nazis. Convenient for them, and very barbaric.

Where this path leads

Remember that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine destroyed a healthy 56-year old man’s blood platelets

Complete blood platelet loss came within two days for him. Several weeks later, he died:

“Heidi Neckelmann said her husband, 56-year-old Dr. Gregory Michael, “sought emergency care three days after the shot because he had dots on his skin that indicated internal bleeding.”

Michael received the vaccine on Dec. 18 at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, where he’d worked for 12 years as an OB-GYN. He died on Jan. 3 after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke related to a lack of platelets, a condition called thrombocytopenia, or as the Daily Mail reported, acute idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura”

This story is just so disturbing. From reading their statements, his family was taken completely by surprise. And he clearly is in perfect health, judging from his picture. He would’ve cleared a wild COVID-19 infection easily, and through that would have developed natural immunity.

Portland bookstore removes Andy Ngo’s book after Antifa sends mob

Spinelessness does nothing other than empower and inflame the mob. The bookstore should’ve called the cops on these fascists.

We must free ourselves from the worship of “experts”

The COVID-19 pandemic has acted as an acid test for rationality and critical thinking. Very few have passed this test, including way too many people whose opinions I had previously respected. There’s nothing stranger than having read the writings of someone for years, only to see them collapse in fear over the virus, and demand that “something be done!” It’s pathetic, really. And it makes me question the wisdom and insight of everyone. It’s a simple test: find out their opinion of the pandemic, and you’ll know who you’re actually dealing with.

I’ve found that many people I’ve read and respected over the years aren’t critical thinkers to any real degree. Instead, they’ve been able to ape a pseudo-intellectualism, emitting an endless stream of writings, tweets, and interviews with a perfected tone of authority and intelligence. I won’t name any of these “public intellectuals”. I can hardly bear to think about them anymore. And while some of them stumbled out of the fog of hysteria, and now speak against the lockdown ideology, it was their initial reaction that matters.

Michael Malice has dubbed them “midwits”. I’ve thought of them as high-IQ idiots, because I’m sure they do have far higher-than-average measurable intelligence. Which is why this phenomenon is so baffling. PhD’s, scientists, engineers, philosophers, etc., have all fallen before pandemic hysteria.

The true critical thinkers, who have been correct from the very beginning, are for the most part unpolished but effective communicators. They haven’t mastered the excruciatingly pretentious language of the high IQ idiots, but they do communicate their ideas clearly. Most of them are on Twitter or Facebook. Their initial posts, back in March, contained the familiar, not-yet-articulated bafflement at world events spiraling out of control. And the high-IQ idiots circled the wagons around the hysteria narrative, shouting down anyone who questioned where lockdown-ism would lead. Many saw that certain events were setting into motion a process that, once it reached a certain milestone, would not be reversible.

The blind faith in experts must end. We can only trust ourselves with the facts before us. We cannot continue to allow elite intellectuals to interpret reality for us.