Bonus tweets

Pandemic police state

This is what “even if we save just one life” public policy has wrought.

70% of nursing home employees don’t want the COVID vaccine

Bill Gates: Bars and restaurants should remain closed indefinitely

This guy is desperate for the COVID-19 pandemic to be his moment. He’s getting old, and he doesn’t have too many opportunities for glory left, so he has counted on COVID to be the ‘Big One’, where he can swoop in as a billionaire savior, and secure his place in the history books. His ego apparently can’t accept the fact that COVID-19 is a mild virus that poses no actual risk to moderately healthy adults and children.

He‘s lost his grip on the narrative, and in the face of hundreds of thousands of permanent business closures, and millions unemployed and treading water, he’ll never regain it.

Does he care about those unemployed and struggling millions? Does he care about the societal devastation being inflicted on the working class throughout the world?

If he truly cared about the most vulnerable, he would never advocate for such a cruel policy as forced economic shutdowns.

These people have exposed themselves as utter dirtbags. The entire expert class will have lost all credibility by the time this charade has run its course.

Official: Australia’s decision to lock 3,000 people in apartment towers for up to two weeks violated human rights

The acting chief health officer took only 15 minutes to make the decision to forcibly confine 3,000 residents in the public housing tower in July. Many were left without food and medicine during the duration, and they didn’t even know how long they’d be imprisoned, which surely added an unimaginable degree of horror to their ordeal.

This story is several weeks old, but a very good example of the level of suffering that normally “good” governments are willing to inflict in order to “save lives”. There have been countless examples of public officials violating rights in the most vulgar of ways if they somehow believed they were “saving lives”. The question should be: how many are you willing to kill, in your quest to “save lives”?