Israeli gov’t offers up its population as the preeminent mRNA vaccine lab experiment

Israeli gov’t offers up its population as the preeminent mRNA vaccine lab experiment

With reports of vaccine passports and the express intention of ostracizing and publicly shaming unvaccinated Israelis, the Jewish State has seamlessly transitioned from pandemic police state to vaccine police state. Ironically, “papers please” is now a reality for Israel’s 9 million citizens, if they don’t wish to be relegated to second-class status, or worse.

Over half of the nation’s citizens have now been vaccinated, and so the world is looking to see the results of this real-world experiment into the effectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

So far, the results aren’t good. Just as masks do nothing to stop infection or transmission, neither do the vaccines. I’ll let Alex Berenson take it from here:

And now, Nietzche: “The value of a thing sometimes lies not in what one attains with it, but in what one pays for it – what it costs us.”

Consciously descending into totalitarianism is a bit like creating the golem of Jewish folklore in order to right some perceived wrong. You’ve created it, but now its loose and out of your control. It didn’t even begin to serve the end you thought it would, and it is now wreaking havoc, destroying innocents, and will soon come for you, your children, and their children, in an unstoppable descent into barbarism. The reason for its initial creation will soon be lost to history, as the greatest, most ancient evil our species has ever known once again stalks the world.

Author: S. Smith