Does this show what I think it shows?
— Tim Noakes (@ProfTimNoakes) February 26, 2021
Does this show what I think it shows?
— Tim Noakes (@ProfTimNoakes) February 26, 2021
Source: OpenVAERS
I am amazed that politicians, experts & media continue to get away with pretending that interventions & behavior are the only influence on Covid outcomes
LA has the “right” behavior, Florida doesn’t, & these are the results
How can interventions be the only thing that matters?
— IM (@ianmSC) February 25, 2021
Here’s a photo of children in Wales returning to school this week. (They paused during the winter wave, but otherwise had been in classes normally since August.)
No rigid, performative safety rituals for children. Developmentally appropriate. This is the case throughout Europe.
— Genève Campbell (@bergerbell) February 23, 2021
In the past year…
50 states issued over 2000 executive orders bypassing legislatures.
Hundreds of election rules were altered by mandate.
Over 50 executive orders, the most ever in a first month, were signed by the new President.
Our representative government is unraveling…
— Clarity (@covid_clarity) February 26, 2021
I think Biden just launched them into Syria.
— The Columbia Bugle
(@ColumbiaBugle) February 26, 2021
ND’s legislature is taking a courageous step out of the hysteria and back toward normalcy.
Wonderful new article in The Critic: Faith Mask, that questions whether medical masks serve more as symbol of a new religion rather than virus-blocking medical device:
“Will we throw off our masks in 2021? Some public health officials, our new priests, want us to keep them, perhaps because they are true believers in the protective power of the mask, or perhaps because masks symbolise our obedience and compliance to the new creed: public health policy. If you don’t wear a mask, or point out the scant evidence in favour, you are labelled a Covid-denier. The implication will be you do not care. There are fines for such heretics. There is also public shaming.
Masks symbolise values that go far beyond science, a new creed we are finding the words for. They emblemise a nascent “religion” in which the moral code is based upon extending life, not securing your place in the afterlife. But in this liminal time, before we have the words and authoritative codification, make no mistake about the symbolism.
Masks are the vestiture of the faithful, signalling belief and, importantly, obedience. Handwashing and sanitising are daily baptisms, washing away our innate human infectiousness just as the Christian baptism washes away our innate sin.
Cathedrals play host to mass vaccinations in a powerful intersection of the old and new religions. Spaced congregations of the masked elderly wait, listening to organ music for their modern miracle, the rite of biomedical transubstantiation. As with all religions, your priests demand obedience and piety.”
Right now they are demolishing the Chapelle Saint-Joseph in Lille, France.
See below
(@gegelsmr) February 24, 2021
I'm old enough to remember the Super Bowl super spreader event that was supposed to leave bodies in the streets of Tampa.
Turns out, get this, cases went way down after the giant parades & 1000s in the streets.
Almost as if "public health experts" are clueless or something!
— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) February 25, 2021