The COVID expert class are our Dr. Daystrom: massive egos in denial, and sacrificing us in order to save face

The COVID expert class are our Dr. Daystrom: massive egos in denial, and sacrificing us in order to save face

The “experts” who’ve pushed pandemic hysteria for the past year remind me more and more of Dr. Daystrom from Star Trek the Original Series. Daystrom’s magnum opus, an intelligent, starship-controlling supercomputer, the M5, is placed in control of Kirk’s ship. It’s sold as the technology of the future, a replacement for ship crews entirely. In fairly short order it goes berserk, attacking fellow Starfleet ships, killing hundreds. Daystrom remains in denial even as the M5, the supposed crowning achievement of his career, the trophy invention that had won him universal acclaim, begins its slaughter. As the carnage deepens, Daystrom desperately clings to the belief that the M5 couldn’t possibly harm anyone, all while sweat begins beading on his face. The audience can see that he’s on the verge of losing his crap entirely, which he most certainly does. He suffers a total breakdown and gets the nerve-pinch treatment from Spock as he realizes the destruction he’s caused:

”You’re killing…we’re killing…murdering…human beings, beings of our own kind.  You weren’t created for that purpose.”

Do the architects and propagandists of the government-inflicted devastation realize the extent of what they’ve done? The lives destroyed, millions of children without education or stability, the economic destruction that will take decades to rebuild? I have a feeling that they’re getting a sense of it. They’re realizing that it was all in vain, the lockdowns, the masks, the “distancing”, the nightmarish behavior of local councils and mayors.

The pandemic has become Fauci&Co.’s Vietnam. The COVID response has become a quagmire, and greater numbers of young and innocent are sacrificed in order for these old men and women to exit the war with dignity. It is monstrous, and they are monsters. Lockdowns and restrictions have become an act of pure nihilism, meaningless and chaotic, our lives and liberty as fuel.

Author: S. Smith