The Political Class is demanding a “permanent pandemic”

Here’s the most batcrap insane headline you’ll see today, from Bloomberg: We Must Start Planning For a Permanent Pandemic

We’ve known that this was never meant to end. I’ve been saying it here, others have also been saying it. There is no exit strategy. The plan has been to convince the public long enough that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, in order to give this pandemic industry time to grow, spreading like a cancer throughout state and local governments. Now that it’s been firmly established, various pet experts now see that it’s safe to begin priming the public for a “permanent pandemic”.

This is the endless war/endless occupation template, transferred to the domestic arena. A virus takes the place of terrorism, and government assumes the right to wage an endless  and vain war against it, with our lives and liberty as collateral damage. It’s not even a war, but an occupation by a medical/regulatory complex that is acting as the true government. Who has been giving us directives for the past year? Who has been controlling local cities and counties? Who has held absolute power over your livelihood? Not your elected government. It’s been the county health departments, the CDC, and the police, mayors, city councils, and large chain businesses who have been perfectly puppeteered by the former. The latter wait impatiently for the latest directives issued by the former. This is absolute power, a total negation of freedom. We have lived through a silent coup, which is now over. We lost.