Belgian health minister pretends to take the vaccine. But there is no needle. Why not?
— Ezra Levant
(@ezralevant) March 29, 2021
Belgian health minister pretends to take the vaccine. But there is no needle. Why not?
— Ezra Levant
(@ezralevant) March 29, 2021
This shameless bureaucrat is trying to emotionally manipulate you. Remember that this white-collar thug has supported policies that have resulted in tens of millions to be thrown out of work, denied the elderly contact with their loved ones, caused alcoholism/suicide/drug ODs to skyrocket to historic levels, caused crucial cancer screenings/diagnoses to be delayed for a year, school closures that have resulted in millions of US children falling off the grid entirely. The list is endless. This person is a monster. Do not listen to her.
The CDC director appears to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown over rising cases for a virus that nearly everyone survives. She may need to be relieved of her duties, at least temporarily, to seek psychological help.
— Emma Woodhouse
(@EWoodhouse7) March 29, 2021
“And when the twelfth largest company in the world controls the most awesome goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless world, who knows what shit will peddled for truth on this network!”
He’s proving to every other red state just how popular a vigorous defense of freedom really is. He’s securing a golden political legacy that will last for the rest of his life.
With the backdrop of an old fashioned rock band jamming in the background before and after the announcement, @GovRonDeSantis signs the COVID-liability bill to protect businesses and healthcare and reiterates there will not be mandatory vaccines or vax pass in Florida.
— Kyle Lamb (@kylamb8) March 29, 2021
No Nostrodamus here, but this is what I believe we’ll see this year as the modern world refuses to lift itself from the quicksand that it has deliberately thrown itself in:
He’s now warning parents against allowing children to play together unmasked. This is an anti-civilization, anti-human race attitude. There is no other way to describe it. COVID poses no risk to children, children do not spread COVID, children desperately need to feel connection with other children. Fauci knows all this, and yet he still recklessly fans hysteria with statements like the one above, knowing the harm it will do to children, knowing that too many parents will take him at his word. He’s saying this partly to sustain the hysteria required for mass vaccine acceptance, and partly because he feels he’s the birthday boy at the COVID Doomsday party, and once everyone realizes that COVID poses no threat to most of them, they’ll stop paying him any attention.
This is a monstrous person, but he isn’t unique. There have been many like him throughout history. They’ve caused immeasurable harm.
The only thing I’d add is that there is nothing wrong with Montreal’s police. This is the predictable result of the upper class counterrevolution that has occurred in Canada and other Western nations over the past year. This is how police behave in an authoritarian state. There is nothing surprising at all about this.
In fact, I’d say that what is surprising is how well-behaved the agents of the state have been over the past 50 years in Western nations. It’s unique in the history of our species. The rule, for all of history, has been for the agents of the state to beat, harass, imprison, rape, and murder. It’s coming back, and it’s the obvious and predictable consequence of allowing Constitutional limitations on government power to wither away.
Something’s deeply wrong with Montreal’s @SPVM police. They arrest, handcuff & ticket our reporters, asking if we’re “Jews” or “Jew media”. They gave us $10,000+ in fines even though reporters are legally exempt from lockdowns. Please help us fight back at
— Ezra Levant
(@ezralevant) March 28, 2021
Governor DeSantis: Please remove local mask mandates in Florida schools and let parents know why masks in public or on kids are not helpful.
— Matthew (@Matthew94091812) March 27, 2021
Compared to Illinois, in Missouri they had:
Less mask requirements
Less strict lockdowns
Fewer government mandates
More in-person school
Some schools without masks
Uninterrupted high school sports
So…. Missouri must be facing a Covid-19 crisis, right?
— Omnipotent Moral Busybody (@OBusybody) March 28, 2021