If children of varied ethnicities, backgrounds, and socio-economic rungs are put into the same kindergarten class together, and grow up together, they will not be racist. They will not hate each other. They’ll see each other as friends, as people, and hate will never enter their mind. But to perpetuate a very rewarding race hustle, racism must also be perpetuated. Which means teaching kids to distrust, judge, and hate, as soon as humanly possible, which means stifling that early-age interracial harmony before it begins. Enter Critical Race Theory. It’s vile, and to think that children could be indoctrinated in this way, and forever robbing them of future friendships and peace, is an abomination.
One of the best videos opposing Critical Race Theory that you’ll ever see.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) June 1, 2021