Regulatory capture, the phenomenon whereby the industry meant to be regulated ends up controlling the regulatory institution itself, is present within the CDC. They are not independent, as no regulatory agency could ever be. Their function now is that of providing intellectual and institutional cover for an enormous crime against young Americans, via the Moderna/Pfizer vaccines. Disband the agency completely. Replace it with nothing. If it can only cause destruction, confusion, and chaos during the outbreak of a new virus, then it has forfeited its very reason for existence.
The current CDC guidelines are so poor they would recommend a 15 year old boy who recovered from documented covid19 and who got pericarditis from dose 1 go on to get dose 2.
Can we pause a minute to contemplate how staggeringly negligent that is?
— Vinay Prasad MD MPH
(@VPrasadMDMPH) June 23, 2021