My case for optimism

The events of the past 15 months have been harrowing. Devastating. A monumental crime committed by mayors, city councils, local health departments, governors, and Presidents. Much has been destroyed, many lives ruined. Many formerly “free” Western nations have passed the point of no return in regards to respecting the rights and dignity of their population. Despite this, I believe that we are on the precipice of a great awakening, along with an enormous economic boom, at least here in the United States. The doomsday cult that erupted like the Yellowstone caldera is now a smoldering ruin. It inflicted so much unnecessary pain, but its burned itself out. The cultists choked themselves on their own contradictions, and either descended further into mania, or wandered away from their broken idol. Liberty is being reaffirmed in many US states the likes of which we have never seen before. There has been a conscious rejection of the lockdown ideology, of masks, of the Doomsday Virus. Small Town America never succumbed, but Big City America is now on board in most red states. The almost unlimited power of unchained social behavior is on the verge of being unleashed. Over the next five years, if the lockdown authoritarianism is kept firmly at bay, we’ll see growth on the level of post-World War 2 growth. Despite the hedonism of the screen-addicted masses, multitudes of like-minded and liberty-minded thinkers are finding their way to each other. This will be a renaissance for liberty. And it won’t be led by the stale scribblers among the professional libertarian class. It will be the unpolished amateurs who write and speak and act, more firmly sealing the cage of totalitarian government than the book-writing class could ever hope to accomplish. The miracle of unrestrained social power/cooperation is about to be unleashed. Witness it.

Mortality from the “Delta variant” is a fraction of original

Look at this chart out of the UK. Compare the case fatality rate of the Alpha and the Delta. That’s 1.9% compared to 0.1%. Since we know that the true infection fatality rate of “Alpha” is somewhere between 0.05 and 0.00005%, depending on your age, it means that COVID has already mutated into a common cold. Or in other words, Delta is a natural vaccine.

California county sees 22% drop in COVID death toll after audit

Santa Clara county’s COVID death toll dropped from 2,201 to 1,696 after officials scrutinized each COVID death. This will soon happen all over the country, and the official COVID death toll will drop dramatically. My prediction is that younger age groups will see the largest number of deaths removed from the official count. But then it will be too late. The false death count will have already served its purpose of manufacturing consent, bullying and shaming lockdown critics into silence, and providing cover for the greatest assault on freedom that the West has ever seen.

Narrative inception

I think Twitter is a wonderful platform, on the whole, for the exchange and debate of ideas. But its real world influence cannot be denied. The Narrative* is spread like a virus on this platform, infecting and influencing those here in the real-world tasked with making decisions that affect the lives of millions.  The narrative shapers are investing millions, if not billions, on steering the narrative on this platform. The illusion of consent is created here, resulting in decisions that would otherwise draw no popular support.