The Pfizer vaccine appears to be totally useless against COVID mutations

Israel is finding that the effectiveness of the Pfizer mRNA vax is falling off a cliff, now that the far milder COVID mutations are becoming dominant. I wonder who could’ve predicted that? Life truly finds a way, and fiddling with a complex cellular process that is the product of millions of years of evolution will always be the height of folly. We are not smarter than evolution. We are not smarter than a virus. Now, rather than admit that the vaccines are a failure, Pfizer is demanding that a booster shot be given emergency use authorization. This is Monty Python-level self-parody. There is no longer any emergency. COVID has mutated into a more contagious, far less dangerous form. We’ll all catch it, probably multiple times over the course of our lives. We should have admitted as much a year ago, but the least we can do is admit it now.

Author: S. Smith