Norman Public Schools plans to implement coercive discrimination policy aimed at maskless students

Norman’s schools plan on exempting consistently masked students from the quarantine requirement beginning this Fall. The surprise quarantines were a nightmare for parents last year, and it appears that the useless, abusive policy has carried over another year, but this time aimed at only the maskless students. Since by now only the willfully ignorant don’t understand that the vaccinated and the masked still contract and spread COVID at virtually the same rate as the unmasked/unvaxxed, it is clear that this policy is designed as punishment for students who choose not to engage in a disproven mitigation measure.

Derangement down under

Haha oh my god, this is Monty Python-level tragic self-parody. COVID is spread through aerosols, and has a 99.98% survival rate. It has become endemic. Masks and anti-social behavior have no effect on its spread. This is common knowledge, and yet people like this are standing before the world and saying this crap with a straight face. And people are actually following these orders blindly. How can anyone trust any public health professional ever again?