Leanna Wen is a horrible person

Leanna Wen is a horrible person

Too many sociopaths are controlling the narrative that is being MK Ultra’d into the brain stems of the US public. These people are on another level of indifference to actual suffering, or human rights. As I know from personal experience, these people can mimic empathy fairly well, but the mask slips occasionally. Wen uses emotional manipulation similar to CDC director Walinsky, but just think about the implications of what she’s proposing. Another year of masks on schoolkids? A constant fear of unvaccinated children, who aren’t in danger of COVID, and who don’t spread it? When have we ever treated children so brutally? We as a species have arrived at a crossroads that we’ve been avoiding for decades. We must change for the better, we must separate ourselves completely from this tribal emotionalism. We must evolve.

Author: S. Smith