Dirtbags everywhere

Fear is a dangerous emotion, probably THE most dangerous. As we’ve learned from a years’ worth of experience, fear can burn out of control like a wildfire. It would be very wise never to stoke public fear because of the very fact that it could begin burning out of control. And yet we have a governing/corporate/public health/media class that does nothing other than toss matches into a dry field all day. Then when they get the fire burning, they bask in its glow, and never caring a whit for the lives lost or damaged to the inferno that they started.

Why haven’t we seen the thousands of hours of January 6th Capitol surveillance footage?

Hundreds of people are being held without bail merely for being present inside the US Capitol building on January 6th. We should care much more about their well-being, regardless of their politics. We should also want to know what evidence is being used to detain them indefinitely.

Olympic street skating

I have never seen this level of skating at a competitive event, ever. Funny to hear the relatively calm reaction from the audience, they couldn’t appreciate what they just witnessed. Yuto’s nollie 360 boardslide, and later, his nollie 360 noseslide, cinched his win, but I think Jagger Eaton’s backside flip to fakie crooked grind should have delivered the gold. It’s hilarious that no one in any of the articles on the event even know the names of the tricks.

Excess death in 75+ age groups is negative in 2021

Lots of very smart people who have been correct from the very beginning believe this to prove that most of COVID’s victims were in their final months of life. They are referring to this phenomenon as the “dry tinder effect”. But look at the excess mortality among the younger age groups. Something very bad happened in 2020 to cause this mass death among the non-susceptible population. And the excess death is still going strong in 2021 among age groups not susceptible to COVID. Grim.

Death throes of the most coordinated, global, organized Narrative in history

The Narrative, meaning the dominant COVID-19 narrative that we’ve been force-fed for 18 months, is in its last gasps, and the evidence is in the way that the dominant players have been recently behaving. The CDC, with its schizo advisement on masks, schools, vaccines, lockdowns, et cetera, has totally discredited itself. The vaccines are failing. COVID has mutated into a far less lethal strain, at least 150 million Americans have developed natural immunity, and the virus is endemic. The Upper Class counterrevolution, which found its vehicle in the pandemic, is desperately attempting to kickstart the hysteria. But is it working? Up to now, they’ve relied on the plain fact that to be pro-hysteria was to be anti-Trump, and vice versa, to be skeptical of the Doomsday framing of the new virus was to be construed as Trumpism. Yes, the “Delta variant” is causing a rise in cases, but not a similar rise in hospitalizations. Why? Because it’s just not that dangerous anymore. Even for the severely at-risk. We must now focus on the real crisis: the long-term fallout of lockdowns and restrictions.

This right here is the reason for the full-bore vaccine push

Jordan Schachtel nails it. Can’t have a natural 50/50 vaxxed/unvaxxed experiment going on for more than a few months or even a year. Safety signals will become far more pronounced the longer that this situation continues, and the mRNA vaccines will look worse and worse as times goes on. This is the reason that we’re all being shamed into taking an experimental gene therapy treatment, even those of us who have developed natural immunity. Disturbing.

CDC director Walenski back with more despicable emotional manipulation just in time for school reopenings

Children are not supposed to die“, she says, as she sheds crocodile tears in order to take the wind out of school reopenings in a month. It is a tragedy that children die, or that anyone dies, but it is a fact of life. COVID-19 has killed far fewer children than cancer, suicide, or the flu. A quick look at the CDC’s own vital statistics for 2019 shows that 3,676 children between ages 1-4 died in 2019. 5,497 children between 5 and 14 died. Terrible, but have we ever used these deaths to destroy the childhood of the children who are still living? Walenski is a monster among too many monsters who operate within the halls of power. Look at how rapidly “Science” has transformed itself into an instrument of totalitarianism. That’s the real horror.