Well crap. Everything I’ve ever published was written, and is still saved, on Google Docs. Probably time for a low tech solution.

Dirtbag-ius Maximus in its natural habitat. CNN.

There is no moral depth that the ruling class won’t plumb in order to achieve the desired psychological state of the masses. People do watch this, and do believe it. CNN knows this, and yet feels zero responsibility to not recklessly stoke terror in their viewers. But CNN is tabloid trash, and this is worse fearmongering than anything that we saw at the height of Bush’s manufactured War on Terror mania. I can’t believe that this is passed off as a serious news segment. The modern world has no direction, no moral core, nothing undergirding it. We exist on the fumes of the heroes of the past, but can’t muster the energy to lift ourselves out of the 5G stupor we’ve been lulled into.

The problem of the libertarian bubble

I sense from Tucker’s posts that he and I are on a similar wavelength in our disbelief regarding the failure of libertarian ideas. I’ve since moved far past the disbelief and come to several conclusions as to why freedom and civil rights have appeared so brittle and so little defended over the past year. A big part of it is the fact that libertarians operate in a bubble that has little contact or influence with the outside world. Some fruits of libertarian ideas do emerge: marijuana legalization, deregulation, the opening of markets, etc. But the ideas behind these results are never communicated, and never take root. Most of the advocates more marijuana legalization have no conception of the principle undergirding it, which is why they can go from the issue of legalization to advocating for socialism in a single breath. This has been my experience with just about every single cannabis activist. Libertarians do a poor job of spreading their ideas in the real world. They prefer to talk to each other, and write for each other. Another reason why libertarian ideas have failed utterly is also due simply to human nature. Most people don’t want freedom. The powerful don’t, and the masses, not understanding what gives them their current level of creature comforts, also don’t. The powerful craft messages for the masses that short-circuit whatever capacity for critical thinking that they have.

Another problem: a relatively free, prosperous economy produces a vast hedonistic consumer class, people who have never felt the need to grapple with ideas or understand how we as a species arrived at our present state of civilizational development. A crisis comes along and they have no idea what to do. So they do what they’re told, usually by the same people who created the crisis.

mRNA vaccines, almost as good as no vaccine at all?

For people who treat vaccines as objects of worship, rather than imperfect pharmaceutical products that may or may not work, and may or may not be safe, depending on the data, this information will be denied and ignored.

The concept of evolution, to me, refers to the extreme adaptation, change, and innovation that occurs over hundreds of thousands and millions of years. It doesn’t explain the unbridgeable gulf that separates non-living matter and life itself. That seems to be the fundamental problem, to my mind unsolvable: how did a non-living universe give rise to life? And not merely to life, but to intelligent life capable of observing, reflecting, and asking questions regarding that universe?

White House openly admits involvement with social media censorship

Real, actual fascism. Authentic, “the ends justify any means” authoritarianism. Imagine what these people would do if they could get away with it.