Despite story about Oklahoma patients overdosing on Ivermectin being exposed as total lie, story is still all over the internet

KFOR interviewed Dr. Jason McElyea, a “rural Oklahoma doctor”, who said that people were overdosing on “horse dewormer”, going blind, and forcing gunshot victims to wait for a bed to open. The story turned out to be total BS, as the hospital itself had to confirm with this statement:

Despite the above statement, this is what still pops up in Google news.

How do you combat this level of fake news? It’s a flood. Where does the news find these dirtbags to interview? Do they contact the news with the story? What’s in it for them? This is clearly an example of shouting “fire!” in a crowded theater, but the blame should be laid squarely on the shoulders of the “journalists” blindly reporting on anything without follow-up. Journalism itself is in total shambles, serving rather as the propaganda arm of the corporate establishment.