Canadian human rights “watchdog” gives green light to exlude the unvaccinated from society

This is one of those stories that makes me think, “yeah I knew the self-styled “humanitarians” were really like this”. And the members of the Ontario Human Rights Commission most certainly are a bunch of segregationist, bigoted Apartheidists, there only needed to be the right conditions, and the right goup of people to marginalize, for it to come out:

While human rights law prohibits discrimination based on creed — someone’s religion, or a non-religious belief system that shapes their identity, world view and way of life — personal preferences or singular beliefs do not amount to a creed, the commission said, adding it “is not aware of any tribunal or court decision that found a singular belief against vaccinations or masks amounted to a creed within the meaning of the Code.”

Furthermore, even if someone can show they have been denied service or employment over their creed, “the duty to accommodate does not necessarily require they be exempted from vaccine mandates, certification or COVID testing requirements,” the commission said. “The duty to accommodate can be limited if it would significantly compromise health and safety amounting to undue hardship — such as during a pandemic.”

Oklahoma hospital/ICU capacity as of 9-17

COVID hospitalizations have steadily fallen over the past month as schools have opened, contrary to what the establishment doomsdayers predicted. What is slightly alarming though is the rise in non-COVID ICU patient load. What is driving that?

Oklahoma pediatric COVID hospitalizations updated 9/25. Why is anyone still pretending that unmasked, fully-open schools are hotspots?

Might as well toss in HHS hospital data for Oklahoma, updated today:


Possibly the most insane story of the entire scamdemic

New York’s governor Kathy Hochul, a monster on par with her predecessor, has declared a state of emergency on the eve of a mass firing of tens of thousands of healthcare workers who have declined to take the COVID vaccine. Their governor is in a panic, and is quickly patching together a plan to replace the newly fired workers (previously the much-hailed heroes of the pandemic) with a mixture of national guard and foreign labor. COVID was never a crisis. The crises have always stemmed from government stupidity and evil, and I find it hard to unearth a more tragically insane story as this. This is happening 20 months since COVID made its big media debut. This is purely a man-made disaster, and it is so ironic that NY is now in a state of emergency over its own ignorant, soulless policy.

Oh yeah. There are 70,000 unvaccinated healthcare workers in New York state.

The “private companies can do what they want!” argument for employer vaccine mandates

I hear this a lot among the various chattering “libertarian” online enclaves. Private companies can demand vaccination as a condition of employment because they’re private companies and they can do what they want. That’s the argument in a nutshell.

Here is why that argument makes zero sense.

If private companies can do whatever they want, can they mandate a lingerie-only policy? No shirts allowed? Mandatory heroin injection? Can they demand that sex acts be performed by employees as a condition of continued employment? It’s clear that, just because a company is private, that fact does not give it the right to demand anything it wants. Particularly among the massive, multinational, impersonal, soulless megacorps, who exercise so much market power and can effectively blackmail employees into doing anything in order to keep their job.

And surely no one would consider working at such a place, but the COVID vax mandates are being forced on current employees. That was never in the contract.

No, private employers do not get to make unlimited demands on their employees under threat of unemployment.

One last point: the federal government is forcing or bribing these companies to implement the vax policy. How private are they really if they have such an entangled relationship with the state?

Australia in the abyss

This is a steaming pressure cooker.