Masks are now safety theater to see who will and won’t comply.
— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) October 31, 2021
Masks are now safety theater to see who will and won’t comply.
— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) October 31, 2021
Of course they blame “high winds“, but we know the real reason.
A nurse was fired for not taking the vaxine.
This is their disgusting
— Hi Dear (@HiDearZaki2) October 30, 2021
WATCH: Kyle Rittenhouse’s prosecutor just screwed up and admitted the mob member who was shot started the fight
This case is not going very well for them
— Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) October 26, 2021
So strange to me how quickly the cyberpunk world of fiction is becoming a reality. I don’t like the message and intent behind this push to build up these digital realities and then herd everyone into them as quickly as possible. This looks like another digital drug designed to addle the mind to a degree that no one hooked up to it would much care about hard-to-understand topics like public policy. Go to work, go home, plug in, zone out. For the rest of your life. They’ll make it so easy for you, too. Just watch how our phones will suddenly be equipped with AR/VR capability once this “metaverse” is established.
Here’s our first sneak peek at Facebook’s so called metaverse, a virtual place where you can hang out with friends and so much more.
— Nathie (@NathieVR) October 28, 2021
From The Guardian: “The results suggest even those who are fully vaccinated have a sizeable risk of becoming infected, with analysis revealing a fully vaccinated contact has a 25% chance of catching the virus from an infected household member while an unvaccinated contact has a 38% chance of becoming infected…
..The analysis further suggests that whether an infected individual is themselves fully vaccinated or unvaccinated makes little or no difference to how infectious they are to their household contacts.”
So the vaccine is worthless as a tool to stop the spread of COVID-19, as well as to prevent infection. Does it prevent severe illness? Maybe for a few months. Maybe not. But this emerging research should bury the reckless and ridiculous talking point that my being vaccinated somehow protects others. It doesn’t. At what point will it be publicly admitted that these vaccines, receptacles of public hysteria and cult-like faith, are worthless?
This large cohort study of 1.6 million Swedes, divided perfectly in half based on vax status, seems to be the nail in the coffin for the Pfizer mRNA vaccine:
“Vaccine effectiveness of BNT162b2 against infection waned progressively from 92% (95% CI, 92-93, P<0·001) at day 15-30 to 47% (95% CI, 39-55, P<0·001) at day 121-180, and from day 211 and onwards no effectiveness could be detected.”
That’s a wrap for Pfizer. Several big questions seem almost rhetorical: is the CDC really prepared to redefine the meaning of “fully vaccinated” every six months? Are those who’ve taken the first two jabs really going to roll the dice several times each year for the rest of their lives? Hell no. Even the CDC is smart enough to know that attempting to pass off two or three boosters a year, and tying employment to those boosters, would burn their remaining credibility in an instant. This massive program that has been built up so rapidly will now crumble just as rapidly. The vaccine doesn’t work and isn’t all that safe regardless. What a sham. What a total, abominable waste.
Since Jan 2020, 94 out of 5,469 deaths among children age 5-11 have been attributed to Covid.
From a statistical standpoint, all we need to know is if these 94 deaths were likely to occur "anyway."
The CDC, FDA, AAP, ACIP, & every state HD Director know the answer:
— Emma Woodhouse
(@EWoodhouse7) October 27, 2021