Austria plans to bar unvaccinated from society

Austria plans to bar unvaccinated from society

It’s been a straight drop to the Dark Ages for many Western nations. It’s also been completely predictable. I predicted it here, not because I’m clairvoyant, but because it’s the natural progression. This is the true nature of government, and of the human race itself at its most instinctual level. It is the human as the sub-animal coward-enslaver-butcher that he has behaved as throughout most of history. That behavioral baseline is the reason that so many have given their lives to bring their species nearer to the goal of liberty. Liberty makes us better. But its a fragile, unnatural state. Quick to lose, well nigh impossible to get back.

So as you bear witness to the rise of the Total State, be outraged, but never be surprised. Remove the protections of liberty, and Leviathan appears. It is inevitable.

Author: S. Smith