Over 75 cases of sudden cardiac arrest in athletes over the past five months

Over 75 cases of sudden cardiac arrest in athletes over the past five months

The pseudonymous writer, el gato malo, has an alarming post up today regarding the safety signal currently flashing among vaccinated athletes. There’s never been more than a handful of cases of sudden cardiac arrest among athletes (less than 8) in any given year, but this year has seen over 75 in just five months. This is from researchers in Germany cited in the post, and it seems to paint a dire picture of what’s in store for young children who are currently being lined up for the shot in the US. As the writer mentions, post-vax adverse events among professional athletes acts as a sort of mini-VAERS. In the absence of good trial data, we must pay attention to the groups of people receiving these vaccines. What’s happening to them now that rarely happened before? And what is in store for the millions of children ages 5-11 who will be receiving this vaccine in the near future?

Author: S. Smith