Cruelty as official policy

Something fundamental has broken in the world that cannot be repaired. This is just one example of many. This is broad-daylight cruelty, and it is happening because the evil behind it is realizing that no one is brave enough to stand against it.

‘Omicron’ is a desperate attempt to justify the rise of global pandemic slavery

If we fall for the ‘omicron’ bullshit that is about to hit us like a monson, then I suppose we probably deserve the slavery that is coming with it. And it is about to hit full force. NYC is already under a state of emergency, markets are rattled, travel from select nations are banned, and the same pedigreed filth that resurrected the totalitarian state before our eyes are now back in front of the cameras, scaring everyone to death again. Will many fall for the same warmed-over propaganda again? Sure they will. People love it, they’re addicted to it, it gives their hollow lives meaning and purpose. I think we have to accept that most people despise freedom. They hate self-responsibility, self-determination, the nagging fear that they bear responsibility for the wretch they see in the mirror. Capitalism has made them soft. They’re afraid to stand up and speak out, having never done it before. They want the safe anonymity of the herd. What we’re dealing with is not only a great evil, but a plague of cowardice. Evil grows as a rule in the space left by the absence of courage.