Why I refuse to wear a mask.

As some will no doubt attribute irresponsibility and carelessness to my refusal to wear a mask in certain situations when virtually all other adults are, for posterity’s sake I’d like to make something clear: I refuse to wear a mask anywhere when my children are present, because I believe that it’s vitally important that I set an example for them. They need to see that I don’t live in fear, and by extension that they don’t have to either. Not merely fear of a virus, but fear stemming from the social pressure to conform. My children need to see that we have the power to reject the mindlessness behind mask-wearing. They need to see adults who meet mask-wearing with the mockery and ridicule it so richly deserves, as all fundamentalist religions deserve when they encroach on my life and my kids’ lives in such a mindless and vulgar way. Mask-wearing deserves ridicule and derision because it has become so militant and fact-free. To see other adults wearing them everywhere, straight-faced, is an abomination. They don’t believe they work, but they continue to wear them. Why? This complacence is dangerous, because it prolongs a charade that should have died over a year ago. Kids need to see adults who reject it, even if those adults invite scorn from the philistine acolytes of this new counterfeit cult. Scorn from those whom I view as utterly wrong-headed is something that I welcome. Derision from the mob lets me know I’m doing something right. More than ever, children need to see calm, yet firm, disobedience from the adult world. They need to witness adults who refuse to bend the knee or lower their eyes, who refuse to engage in the obsequious pantomime that virtually the entire adult world has embraced, either through sincere belief, peer pressure, or apathy. This is said as someone who identifies with no political party or creed. I’m on my own side. My worldview is my own. My views may at times closely align with those of other political or philosophical movements, but I develop my own views independent of the prevailing political climate. And amid the civilizational crisis that we’ve been plunged into, it’s more important than ever to set an example for the rising generation.

Don’t let your guard down

Far too many people on our side are feeling a sense of optimism, that somehow the tide is turning in our favor, and that the entire lockdown/mask/vax edifice will come crumbling down in the near future. They are partying prematurely. I want that to happen, and I do see the signs that a shift is taking place among millions of people who are now awakening to the reality of approaching authoritarianism. But I feel a deep unease. Something fundamental has changed irrevocably in the world. A primitive collective capacity for bottomless cruelty has been awakened, and the upper class knows it. They are busy exploiting it, using this moment to drag the modern world into a new Dark Age of their own design. Instances such as the one below are just the most visible sign of this collective cruelty. Never underestimate the thing we are dealing with. The State, an ancient evil intertwined with us as a species, its code seared onto our DNA. The State is within us, an evolutionary artifact that our primitive nature unceasingly seeks to see rebuilt. Never believe that it doesn’t have many more tricks up its sleeve. A crippled economy, a populace desperate and angry, policies in place that prevent the economy from self-healing, something is coming to a head. We are in the eye of the storm, and we now are entering a truly dark winter, one entirely self-inflicted. This government-made crisis will be used by government as pretext for something awful. We are being dragged towards something, and we are not doing enough to bring movement to a complete stop.

One thing that this age of 4G narcissism has accomplished is that it has revealed just how low we can go as a species. We get a front row seat to all sorts of behavior that we would never have believed anyone capable of.

Beyond freakish

Imagine being this middle-aged moral husk of a man, taking a selfie, and urging others to do to their kids what he’s done to his. A level of zero-point, gutter narcissism that far too many people operate at. This is the Freudian death drive in full flower. A terminal cultural rot that has festered for decades. This is the result of millions of people raised with no regard for character development. Generation upon generation who have had their most base, hedonistic instincts stimulated, with no regard or attention given to the development of more human qualities. Hedonism and vanity is exalted, and here is the result.