Happening in the US
The pandemic has revealed a disturbing number of ignorami populating the field of law. Here are judge Stephen Friot’s comments regarding the case:
“The vaccine mandate to which the governor objects is the one — in addition to the nine that already apply to all service members — intended to protect service members from the virus which has, in less than two years, killed more Americans than have been killed in action in all of the wars the United States has ever fought,” Friot wrote. “The court is required to decide the case on the basis of federal law, not common sense. But, either way, the result would be the same.”
It doesn’t appear that Friot is familiar with how many active-duty soldiers have died of COVID over the past twenty months, nor the number who have died of the mRNA vaccine. He really should look into it, I think he’d be very surprised.
Here are COVID hospitalization numbers for adults and children in OK over the past 14 days. Dates are in descending order, beginning with 12/26. Not a whole lot going on throughout December, despite the spectre of Omicron, which appears to be the “common cold” version of COVID:
But how many of these people are at the hospital because of COVID? Let’s take a look at a surprisingly honest admission made this week by the Oklahoma State Department of Health, in their latest epidemiology report. Look closely: For 12-24 year-olds, over 70% of “COVID” hospitalizations are secondary, meaning that those patients were hospitalized for an entirely different reason, and probably only tested positive upon arrival. For 5-11 year-olds, 60.2% are secondary. That percentage predictably decreases as the age of the patient increases. We know that COVID complications increase markedly as age increases. These percentages can surely be transposed onto death rates as well. How many Okie kids or young adults actually died of COVID? I’d say slim to none. We need an audit.
This is true fundamentalist rage.