BLM bankrolling their Joker-esque psycho’s bail is reminiscent of mob behavior

The very predictable crisis of the West

It’s difficult to write about unfolding events that I knew would transpire, based on what I’ve observed about human nature. Remove the chains of governments, incite hysteria, and you create a civilizational crisis. A newly unchained government will rapidly grow into the primitive total state, until some countervailing force arises to meet it and force it back down. I knew that the spirit of the times was such that almost no one would be able to muster the collective will to accomplish this, so I knew that we’d witness newly reborn totalitarian states flex their muscles and wield their power in the most vulgar of ways. I also knew that, to combat this galloping nightmare, the only course would be to meet it at the local level. Not writing on the internet, or spending all day on social media, but local action. Beyond that, there is nothing more to do than set up a lawn chair and bear witness to a monstrous, yet natural, process. The totalitarian state lives within us, its blueprint is encoded in our genome. We carry it with us, and will pass it on. We must realize this, and understand the danger in allowing it to operate without strict controls.

We are living through a unique historical epoch, a great historical turning point for Western civilization. We don’t yet realize it, but the current crisis is the preemminent crisis of the West, of freedom, of the future. What happens now determines the world that our children and grandchildren inherit. This is not their fight, this is ours.