Ukraine’s government, in a final act of cowardice, goads its citizens to fight Russian soldiers

Ukraine’s government, in a final act of cowardice, goads its citizens to fight Russian soldiers

Ukraine can’t win a battle against Russia, so its now arming citizens in hopes that they will face down the nuclear power. Pathetic. Russia isn’t looking to kill civilians. But they will if they’re fired upon. As with most US puppet states, cowards and criminals are at the helm. I have a feeling that the gov’t of the Ukraine wants to draw a civilian massacre in order to spur an international response. They want to incite a 20th century, total war-style massacre, because they know that Russia is purposely avoiding civilian deaths. Ironic, considering this tactic is what the US gov’t always accused Middle Eastern terrorists of doing, as an excuse for US-inflicted civilian casualties.

Author: S. Smith