Degeneracy is at the heart of gender ideology

The worldview being expressed here has spread across the West like a psychological plague. It’s acolytes are unceasingly pressuring schools into injecting these views into every subject.

Wherever French culture goes, there it stays, permanently. Canada, Africa, Haiti, Louisiana, it will still be there centuries from now. This seems to be an under appreciated, under studied phenomenon. My theory is that French culture is a crowning achievement of social evolution, far superior to almost every other cultural development. When a culture can thrive and embed in such disparate locations, going so far as to convert the natives away from their own culture, or at least charm them enough to adopt and combine their ways with the new way, there is something very special about it that deserves acknowledgment.


Birth of the smoke god

Just unbelievable what we lived through. Vast numbers of people, shocked back into a primitive state, began goosestepping with no hesitation, spreading the psychological plague, ready and willing to drown modernity in a sea of superstition, fear, hate, and violence. Now, most of these people have emerged from their fugue state and have gone back to their pre-COVID lives without missing a beat. How many have actually reflected on their mental state during the hysteria, on their actions? How many comprehend how closely the modern world came to total oblivion? We know the horrifying answer.

Elon Musk successfully launches preemptive, humanitarian intervention against Twitter

Hard to believe it, but he is actually going to succeed. Twitter is going private. Only time will tell if Musk’s devotion to free speech contained any substance.