An apocalypse of vapid narcissism

We humans have a deeply ingrained need to believe in something, to have a purpose. But our current materialistic, career-obsessed, sex-obsessed, attention-obsessed culture not only does not provide the needed spiritual diet, it actively hollows out and harvests the souls of those ensnared by it. And many are ensnared. You see the wealthy who know nothing, do nothing, are interested in nothing of substance or depth, who live second-hand lives in hopes that others will think highly of them. Their values are not their own, neither are their thoughts.

You see working professionals with the same stunted moral and spiritual hardware. Children are fed to this harvester of souls by their parents, into college, into debt, placed on a treadmill that will only increase in speed throughout their lives. And they are told that this is happiness.

We see below the inter generational fruit borne by such people. The entire professional class is comprised of a vast array of these undifferentiated human blanks, who, having never been compelled by inner spiritual turmoil to actually develop into a morally functioning human, act subconsciously on the negative spiritual force of destruction. They are destroyers. They spread living death like a virus.

How often do teens suddenly die “peacefully in their sleep”?

Gwen Casten, the late daughter of Illinois Dem representative Sean Casten, died in her sleep suddenly  after going to bed on Sunday. She was apparently in good health, and her death came as a complete shock to her family. She had previously made her vaccination status public, revealing that she had been double-vaxxed and boosted. And we have this post on Reddit:

We shouldn’t silently accept the death and injury of loved ones if the cause is man-made. We were pressured for over a year to take a pharmaceutical with known health risks, even at the risk of losing our jobs, or being booted from college. Ostracization and vilification was openly encouraged by our government as a matter of official public policy. And now we are witnessing the outcome that plenty of us predicted. Just as we are now enduring the new nightmare of a wrecked economy and inflation, the results that we also predicted, we are now witnessing a true medical crisis unfold, one among people who naively trusted their government, and their doctor.