Berenson is a cheap, carpetbagging buffoon

But could you expect anything more from someone who isn’t a straight talker? Certainly he can ape it, but it’s no substitute for the real deal, which apparently too few people can distinguish. I’ve included the video of the parent of a deceased child speaking to the media, because this one shows his swagger and smirk moments before speaking. This is THREE days after the death of his child, and he apparently can yuk it up, despite what has happened. Which tells you all you need to know about this prime-time ready “parent”, strolling up to the mic three days after the death of his child. Something nightmarish happened in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 12th, 2012. But I don’t believe we’ll ever know what it truly was.

Older age groups in Oklahoma experiencing worse excess death rates than either 2020 or 2021

This should be front page news, but it’s not. In fact, no one is talking about it. Does anyone care? Or are these deaths not politically palatable, and cannot be easily exploited? Regardless, it’s a disaster. You’ll remember that these older Okies have been vaxxed to the max.

Also look at the younger age groups. Their excess death is finally dropping to normal levels, as the economy slowly and painfully knits itself back together.  Data from

The Life of Adam

Here’s an interesting documentary on AL, breaking down many inconsistencies with the accepted narrative. Again, I’m not saying believe every word, only to open your mind to the possibility that there is far more to a certain type of school shooting than what we’ve been told. I believe that it is urgent that we get to the bottom of these heinous mass murders, because more will certainly occur. I’m speaking specifically about the AR-15 wielding, black-clad lone wolf killers who somehow achieve almost a 100% kill rate within minutes of their arriving on school grounds. This is a template that appears almost copy/pasted around the country, and I fear that it will continue to happen if something fundamental isn’t changed.

Follow this link for the doc: The Life of Adam

Trapped in a nightmare

Much of David Lynch’s work contains an element of what I’ve come to think of as “trapped in a nightmare”. I understand it as his signature leitmotif, as so many of his scenes can be interpreted this way, including much of Twin Peaks. I’d even say that this is the key element of Twin Peaks; characters consistently enduring events so strange that they verge on the realization that they are actually trapped in a nightmare. Here is a textbook example. Listen to the music. Sound familiar? It’s Moonlight Sonata, slowed to a drugged crawl. Watch how Ray doesn’t seem to be able to escape, just like in a nightmare. The shadow men, the flashing lights, the animal screams, appear to depict the unraveling of the nightmare as the dreamer verges on lucidity.

At this point we aren’t headed towards 1984 or Brave New World; this is Mega City One a la Judge Dredd: