“Alpha male” dating culture is ruining a generation of young men

The guy filming this is putting off big Michael Crichton vibes with this stunt right here, in the sense that he interprets each interaction as a rejection, takes it personally, and blames “women” as a whole. This behavior is on the same spectrum the extreme end of which is the violent incel. This is part and parcel of the “alpha male” dating advice culture that has grown like black mold on the underside of the internet. The incels swarm the trash these idiots produce like flies to a fresh cow patty. Does it help them find a girlfriend? No, it doesn’t. But they do find what they’re looking for, which is justification for their resentment of the opposite sex for rejecting them. It harkens back to Michael Crichton’s tear-stained diatribe, his anguish over how women have treated him in years past. The horror! I would want my daughter to act the same way toward these frail ego’d man-children. Snub these losers who think they have a right to your attention or time.


Author: S. Smith