Pay attention to those smeared as “fascist” by globalist thugs

Pay attention to those smeared as “fascist” by globalist thugs

Italy is poised to elect as Prime Minister Georgia Meloni, someone who cares deeply about Italy and its people, and the globalists are having a meltdown. Smeared simultaneously as “far right, MAGA (ha!), and “fascist”, the true fascists are determined to undermine her inevitable democratic victory, because they prefer to have such a beautiful nation as their playground. She is Italy’s “Make Italy Great Again” candidate, and the beautiful Italian people love her. Is she a “strongman”, or does she merely have the stones to oppose encroaching globalization? Is she “fascist”, or does she merely stand firm against the real fascists? Italy, dreamlike in its beauty, one of the cradles of Western civilization, successfully preserves its historical and cultural treasures, and now its people appear keen on reclaiming its nationhood from the gargantuan European Union. Let’s pray for a new dawn for this nation, and that it lights a wildfire of reclaimed nationhood across Europe.

The lesson that lies herein is that the true fascists will smear anyone as a fascist who opposes their power grabs. It’s a bizarre inversion of the word, and too many people appear to fall for this semantic trickery. So pay attention to the people yelling “fascist”, for they are the lodestar of true totalitarianism.

Author: S. Smith