The gay community is calling BS on trans child mutilation
“These [phalloplasty] surgeries are labor intensive, they require a lot of follow ups, they require a lot of OR [operating room] time, and they make money.”
That's because a phalloplasty is one of, if not the most, complex and risky plastic surgeries a person can get.
— Colin Wright (@SwipeWright) September 20, 2022
This isn’t necessarily the result of the vaccine, although it will probably be responsible for a significant chunk. The amount of death occurring is the result of of the 2020 lockdowns, meaning the devastating deliberate attack on the market economy. The importance of the smooth functioning of the economy is something that is completely taken for granted by almost everyone, and yet if we are to survive, something like a new golden rule or Commandment must be inscribed upon our genetic memory: “thou shalt not infringe upon the flow of voluntary interaction.” The word “economy” is a frail term to describe what is essentially the genius of the human race: our capacity for cooperation. Adam Smith described it as an “invisible hand”, Hayek a “spontaneous order”, Bernard Mandeville a “beehive”. Whatever you call it, it is THE genius of our species, a power probably without equal in the universe. We are a part of a collective, self-organizing order, one that we all contribute to in ways that we will never know, but also one that we make use of. This order, this network of hundreds of millions of imaginations, predicts the future, solves our every problem before we even know a problem exists, and produces endless abundance. No other species has this capacity to any degree. We owe our existence, abundance, and progress to this order, and every attack on it should be viewed as an attack on civilization itself. Lockdowns were just such an attack and should be viewed as the grave crime it truly is. But how many do understand that lockdowns were arguably the greatest crimes against civilization to have ever been committed? Too few.
The breakdown of Excess Death Percentages is below, it could only be described as terrifying..Full Clip Below
— 𝙍𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙈𝙀𝙇𝘽𝙊𝙐𝙍𝙉𝙀 (@Risemelbourne) September 20, 2022
The collective response? One big shoulder shrug. Truly not one of the middle aged, career-minded castratos who infest and pollute our every institution gives a crap.
Nurse in Cardio Unit fails to acquiesce in medical coverup, wants to know why child heart injuries were not being reported to VAERS?
Result: FIRED.— Oksanna Zoschenko (@OshZosh) September 17, 2022
Comedic genius.
Italian farmers also rise up. Hundreds of tractors block Caserta en masse to protest against the forced slaughter of 140,000 head of cattle and the increase in energy prices. Recently 400 companies have gone bankrupt and 8000 jobs have been lost: "We want dignity and respect!"
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) September 13, 2022
You’re not supposed to remember this.
— BiasedGirl (@BiasedGirl) September 12, 2022
I don’t know how anyone can watch this footage and not feel extreme unease, or a sense of doom, at the moments that both towers collapsed into their own footprint. Or that WTC 7’s collapse (not shown here) was a natural event. This event had the same psychological impact as COVID did, probably even more intense than COVID. It marked the end of the West, the beginning of a new world.
Remastered footage of the most intense clips from 9/11
— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) September 11, 2022
It still amazes me that everyone walks around as if we didn’t just live through the most destructive and prolonged episode of mass hysteria in history. The collective reaction to COVID-19 had all the trappings of an extinction-level event. I’m still fairly perplexed that we are still here, and that Western civilization endures, even if in crippled form. Mass business closures, mass school closures, but even worse was the sudden reversion to a prehistoric barbarism on the part of local politicians and health officials. This man below saw his life thrown away by the thugs he is addressing, and they did it without a second’s hesitation. Once they realized that others were doing it, they followed suit.
The mea culpas are coming in hot and heavy now, but never forget how people behaved during that first year.
"I could run into a burning building for this city but I couldn't eat in a restaurant"
— Adam B. Coleman, Proud Father (@wrong_speak) September 11, 2022