In some battles between instinct and culture, instinct will always win

In some battles between instinct and culture, instinct will always win

I came across this screenshot and realized that the attraction instincts are too little understood between the sexes. That’s why I’ve always wished for at least some women to be brutally honest in their opinion of what is attractive and what isn’t. Same with men. We seem to have a glut of men trying to advise men, and women trying to advise women. Very little of value comes from this. We need to hear it, straight from the heart, from the opposite sex. Because attraction is one aspect of our biology that is impervious to cultural mores. Thankfully so, I think. Attraction isn’t a choice, is probably the most fundamental truth of this basic instinct. And when men who have a high sexual market value hear the below from the woman he’s with, he mentally moves on immediately. It’s impossible for him not to. In the arena of attraction, instinct reigns supreme. There are plenty of male characteristics that kill attraction in women, and again, it’s not a choice. Instinct is in control. “All is fair in love and war” is the best way to view this dynamic. Feel whatever emotions you wish to feel, but don’t give in to rationalization or attempt to justify your emotions. From a male perspective, I would advise girls never to admit to the below, at all costs. Yes, that means lying. You will never find a mate that you’re satisfied with if you’re totally honest about this area of your life. BUT, he may find out one way or the other, through your behavior. Non-verbal communication is a powerful signal, and the significant other may pick up on it and shear off without anything needing to be said. Past repulsive behavior is usually expressed involuntarily through present behavior. This goes for men and women, and for better or worse, we don’t have a say in this evolutionary equipment.

Author: S. Smith