Amanda was having heart issues after her shots, and passed away within six months.
— Nashville Angela (@angelanashtn) December 30, 2022
Month: December 2022
Oh my god they caught him
This is Bryan Kohberger the 28 year old, who looks like he is at least 43, Criminal Justice PhD candidate charges with the Idaho murders. If you saw this guy walk into a coffee shop you'd would think to yourself "that's a serial killer"
— Supports Single Mothers Nero (@Adventure_Nero) December 30, 2022
DHS employee Jam Padilla has had 10 surgeries since her booster in spring of 2022. 5 of those were for pacemakers her body keeps rejecting. At the time of her fundraiser a few weeks ago, she was preparing for an open heart surgery.
— Nashville Angela (@angelanashtn) December 29, 2022
How I spent the last two years.
— Too Rich Too Thin (@CheckerFack) December 24, 2022
More human than human
CDC: 106,699 Americans lost their lives to a drug overdose in 2021
This horrific number represents a 16% increase over the previous year’s total of 92,000. Enormous numbers of people are drowning in a socio-economic tsunami. This number of drug deaths, more than double the number in 2015, points to something terrible happening in the lives of millions of Americans. Too many people see no future, no hope, with their only solace found in chemical oblivion. Suppurating societal wounds that have been inflicted over and over again are reaching the marrow, and those responsible for the trail of destruction feel nothing but a desire to spread their disease further.
When they tried the Ukraine flag nonsense in the Slovakian parliament, based Slovaks weren't having it. Good for them.
— Rosie's Puppet Government (@DarnelSugarfoo) December 22, 2022
Desperation for meaning
What ails the modern world? What underlies the cultural anxiety that permeates every corner? An undercurrent of mass anxiety has spread and grown in frequency as greater numbers of people seemingly wait for the next shoe to drop, as if awaiting the fall of an executioner’s axe. Tens of millions of the submerged working class flail for security while the upper class who control public sentiment and public policy do nothing more than stare into a mirror, preening, soulless, ape-like, as they search for new spiritual short-cuts in the form of new, shallow belief systems. Every new crusade, be it COVID, Ukraine, transgender rights, et cetera, is a manifestation of this grasping for meaning by wealthy damned. A void within them has gone unfilled for so long that nothing now will satisfy their spiritual thirst. They are intellectually and spiritually unmoored, but in their search for meaning, will gladly sacrifice the world.
Our civilizational dilemma is that our opinion-moulding class is one of total nihilism, living with an abject lack of meaning. This is narcissism on a scale that is unsustainable. Society is caught in their maelstrom of quadrupedal vanity, and the suffering is profound. Civilization-ending narcissism on the part of our opinion-moulding class is the real threat.