Month: January 2023
Nazis in all but name
When you watch this clip, you understand how millions could be systematically slaughtered by their government, and why millions more could stand by and allow it to happen. You understand the entirety of history far better, when you are exposed to this very ancient attitude being expressed by those around you. These are people who wouldn’t have lifted a finger if the unvaccinated had been murdered. Didn’t they stand by as our very own government tried its damndest to have every single unvaccinated person fired from their jobs?
The COVID pandemic has made crystal clear the fact that there exists two types of human: the ones who follow every order, leap onto every bandwagon, internalize and amplify every mass formation event, and the ones who don’t. The former have a capacity for dehumanization of others that the latter do not possess. They are the oompaloompas of the world, nestling into menial employment, forming themselves into perfect cogs. But the latter are the reason that mankind emerged from our quadrupedal animal state. Everything human about us is the creation of the latter. But the former will always outnumber the latter, and as we have seen many times throughout history, sometimes the former massacres the latter, and by doing so plunges their society into a dark age. The latter keeps the human race human, and the former hates them for it.
Who will be operating the tanks?
Know the difference