Paul Ehrlich, who apparently is still alive, is once again pushing his debunked population bomb theories

Paul Ehrlich has been wrong more times in his life than anyone in the history of Man, and yet despite this he is given a platform by the ruling class because his fear-mongering over impending overpopulation is the perfect juice for world totalitarianism. In 1980, Ehrlich claimed that England wouldn’t exist by the year 2000. He famously lost a bet to Julian Simon over the price trajectory of non-renewable raw materials. Ehrlich believed that the prices would increase over the next decade as an increasing world population consumed greater quantities. Simon bet the opposite, and he even allowed Ehrlich to choose which commodities to wager. He chose tungsten, nickel, tin, copper, and chromium. They fell in price over the next ten years, and Ehrlich lost the bet. This bet is an astounding piece of history, but it’s almost never discussed. Simon, in essence, razed Ehrlich’s entire worldview, and even his career. Ehrlich was exposed as an ideological carpetbagger, a pedigreed bullshitter, a total con-artist. But here he is again, the buffoon, peddling the same “civilization will end in 2 decades” baloney as if he’s never been challenged on his beliefs. The ideology surrounding over-population is the most dangerous to ever exist in the history of our species, because it provides a pseudo-rationale for systematic extermination. The true acolytes of the population bomb theory openly profess their support for sterilization, economic suppression, and worse. They’re open about it, and we should be terrified that these half-baked musings from this decrepit intellectual husk are once again being trotted out.

Author: S. Smith