Republic Reborn, the newsletter!

Republic Reborn, the newsletter!

To everyone who reads this blog, hello. I know that posts here have been sporadic at best. Writing blogs for an anonymous audience is unfulfilling in the extreme. I don’t know you, you don’t know me, we don’t interact in any meaningful way. Therefore I have created a solution: a private newsletter! The newsletter contains far more content than I’ve been producing here, and it brings you and I closer together in a way that was not possible with the blog. We’re facing an unknown future, with many historical forces converging at some point on the horizon. Much is happening in the world, the forces of re-barbarization are intent on effecting a counter-revolution, a decivilizing revolution, technocratic, prehistoric, authoritarian, slave society. We are being herded slowly to the kill pen, so slowly that we don’t even know that it is happening. Much like the killing grounds at Tell Kuran, in Syria, where, 5,000 years ago, gazelle were subtly herded over long distances, by means of long stone walls to their deaths. We are in the kite, within the stone walls. We are allowing ourselves to be herded, we are constantly on the defensive, and because of that, we remain within the bounds of the walls. We have to escape, and we have to stick together.


This will be the last post at this website. If you’d like to be added to the newsletter, send an email to and I’ll put you on the list..


Knowledge is power, but connection and fellowship is the greatest source of power we have. Those who have placed us on the path to total slavery want to keep us separated, alone, and afraid. This is their only true weapon. Nothing more than an illusion, a Wizard of Oz-style trick that is easily seen through. Join me, and join other like-minded individuals.

Over and out.

Author: S. Smith