To Build Back Better, it must first be burned down

To Build Back Better, it must first be burned down


It seems that the death toll from the Lahaina fire is being intentionally minimized. We’re being told that 80 have died, but over 1500 are unaccounted for. If they aren’t found within a few days, that toll will soar to over 1,000 dead, making it one of the most unimaginable disasters in our nation’s history. Amateur media from first responders, as well as those familiar with Lahaina paint a much different picture than what we’re being force fed. The fire is not the result of “climate change”, but rather arson. Reports now are that Maui has run out of body bags, and that the government of Hawaii has taken total control of the importing of aid, restricting aid to those still trapped. Locals report that the extensive siren system in place on the island failed to alert the residents of the incoming fire, and that roads were even blocked as residents attempted to flee. I hear whisperings that the land of Lahaina is highly coveted by the upper class, but that the multi-generations natives have refused to sell. I see reports that Maui was designated to become a groundbreaking “smart city”, complete with net zero energy and all other WEF trimmings. Lahaina has been razed, FEMA will deem it uninhabitable, and surviving residents will be disenfranchised. Blackrock and Vanguard will fund the rebuilding, and we know what it will look like. A similar tactic is currently underway in Ukraine. Watch for reports of hundreds of millions in “donations” and “aid” from corporate behemoths, along with chatterings of how great the 15-minute city will be for the remaining residents of Maui. Watch over the next weeks an influx of influencers and phony baloney “humanitarians” getting their photo op of good deeds. Oprah is already out there fluffing pillows.

Author: S. Smith