Is there a better and more present communicator than Kennedy?

RFK Jr is far more articulate, genuine, personable, and in-the-moment than any politician I’ve ever heard, aside from Ron Paul, as you can see in this clip shared by him on X. He’s totally off-the-cuff, every statement and argument feels heart-felt and totally authentic. He’s looking straight at you while speaking, not at some stale placard written by a lackey. Kennedy is raw and unfiltered, probably the greatest communicator we’ve had in American political discourse in decades. He’s polarizing but in a way that favors his ideas immensely. You only have to hear him speak once or twice to be swayed totally. There is no other politician like this on the stage today.

Rebarbarization 2024

The world is getting worse. I’d previously believed otherwise, as late as 2018. I’d thought that tolerance and freedom were gaining ground, slowly and steadily. I believed that an understanding of the voluntary society was gaining ground, that people were increasingly coming around to the revelation that freedom is the wellspring of all that is good and human in us. This changed overnight in early 2020, when the Great Panic swept us up in a medievalizing flood. Among us, the barbarians now far outnumber the humans. And when I say barbarian, I’m referring to those among us who have given in to the impulse of aggression, the reversion to a primitive me-vs-you state, the “it’s my way or else” authoritarianism. Our natural, primal state as animals, in other words. The humans are the ones who refused to relinquish the dream of freedom to this prolonged night that was suddenly thrust upon us. The humans saw what was happening, when those around them succumbed to the propaganda surrounding COVID. The change was visible: an almost instantaneous reversion to the beast that we all carry within ourselves.

In that prolonged night when Constitutional rights were erased, a grotesque metamorphosis began. Something like the metamorphosis of a butterfly, but in reverse. This process has not stopped, but seems in some areas to have picked up pace. Far too many of us, especially among the white collar classes, have fully re-barbarized. They have accepted the religion of Coercion, rejected voluntarism, and are restless for the completion of the metamorphosis. They are restless for the return of the State. All-knowing, all-powerful, that monstrous ancient collective organism from our distant past, whose blueprint resides within our DNA. They caught a glimpse of that infernal plane, and they want to return, dragging the rest of us with them.

Our animal nature yearns for the State. Our human nature understands that suppression of this drive is the key to our survival and success as a species. Too many reject their human side, without their even knowing what they’re doing. Drawn inexplicably to rebuild, and then merge with, that totalitarianism. This is what these reborn primitives, these neo-barbarians, seek in 2024. The counterrevolution, the triumph over Heaven, the reversion to sun gods, fire-eating, and human sacrifice. The State as god. High tech, totalitarian oblivion.

RFK Jr expected to launch independent White House bid on Sunday

The only Democratic candidate for the White House to come even remotely close to Biden in the polls has now hinted that he will launch a 3rd party bid on Sunday. This comes as a result of the expectation that the Democratic National Committee will rig the rules to kick Kennedy off the ballot, should he remain in the race as a Democrat. So, Libertarian Party? Or a completely Independent run? We’ll soon see.

Ignorant CO2 alarmists are ready to reinstate the Stone Age

Crazy, evil, and dangerously ignorant. The carbon fundamentalists have no inkling of the basic facts about what they’re saying, but they’re chomping at the bit to dismantle the modern world in service to their anti-carbon religion. These people would not bat an eye to millions of deaths as a result of “de-industrialization”, the new buzzword among the elite anti-carbonists. De-industrialization = death.

Totalitarian logic of the War on Terror has become a template

I clearly remember Newt Gingrich and others, circa 2007, stating that the US government needed the Patriot Act and other authoritarian power grabs because “we need to stop someone from bringing a suitcase nuke into a city”. This was the essence of the neocon argument after 9/11. Aside from the fact that its not remotely possible to stop something so small and stealth, what Gingrich and the rest of the neocons of that era wanted was the same thing that today’s COVID-cons want: absolute, totalitarian control of every aspect of our lives in the name of safety. A demand for a total transformation of society into a prison. We might be “safe” in one sense, if we’re locked in a cell 24 hours a day, but we would not be free, and life would not be worth living.

In the COVID era, the post-9/11 security state chickens came home to roost. Our collective paranoia over terrorism, always bubbling below the surface, was reborn in 2020, triggered with precision through the well-crafted science of propaganda. And the arguments for total control were also reborn, reapplied to a virus. This is totalitarian risk mitigation, and ironically doesn’t mitigate risk at all. Its only function is to strip you of your freedom forever.

Imagine being Offit’s age and saying something so stupid, so ignorant, and saying it with such assurance. Totalitarian hypochondria is the direct descendent of War on Terror hysteria. Those Republicans created the template, all while assuring us that it would be never used against us. Well, watch below and ask yourself if that was a lie.


The doomsday totalitarians have always been with us

It’s difficult to ignore the Chicken Little’s, especially when they are among the most powerful people in the world, who are able to dress up their hysterical predictions in the white coat of science. We must ignore them, and refute them, because they are the ones leading us to apocalypse. Arsonists masquerading as firemen.

What the human race loses in war

There is a platitude that goes, “war is old men talking and young men dying”. A simple, poignant truth. But it’s more than this, or has been in past wars. War is young men with uncommon intelligence, passion, and courage, being forced to eliminate themselves from the gene pool, while old men with low intelligence, no passion, and uncommon cowardice send them to their deaths. How many young men died in World War 1 who will never pass on the genetic traits necessary for our increased humanization? We are in the process of re-barbarization, and a large part of this probably is due to the fact that a large helping of the best that our species has produced died during some insane war over a century ago.

Consider the Civil War. The South, whatever its other faults may be, held to notions of honor and nobless oblige, and sent their highly educated sons to die before they could have children. The result is that large swaths of the South are populated by a type of person who lives not much higher than an animal. This is no different than Northern states, and doesn’t contain itself to any particular race. The lower strata of every race appears to multiply at a rate far higher than those who occupy the higher, better-bred strata.

The masses thus spawned, they then mold culture, and the future, solely by the brute force of their incredible numbers. This doesn’t even refer to minimum wage employees or manual laborers. More often than not, these unimaginative dullards find their way into white collar professions: law, politics, “influencing”. But they carry with them the central characteristics of their breeding: a desire to punish, judge, ostracize, cut down anything beautiful or becoming, to dethrone the products of culture produced by men and women of higher breeding. We saw this behavior throughout COVID hysteria, when the subsumed animal character traits emerged and trampled the world.

Hercules, Achilles, Joan of Arc, and even Christ himself are all now killed in utero, while Goliath, Cane, and Frankenstein, are brought to term. We suffer as a species for it, and our future grows darker because of it.

Satanic artist Marina Abramovic asked by Zelensky to be US ambassador, help with rebuilding schools

There’s not much more you need to know about who is running the show in Ukraine when Zelensky asks celebrity-linked Satanist Marina Abramovic to be the US ambassador to Ukraine. The Podesta/Clinton/Pizzagate crowd is in control of Ukraine’s destiny, and once the nation has been sufficiently obliterated, and agreement reached with Russia, the familiar foundations and investment firms will rebuild Ukraine in their image.

Why won’t the CDC release updated vax-related heart damage data?

I could venture a guess. The most recent data released by the CDC ended on October 23rd, 2022, as reported by the Epoch Times. 

The CDC has the data, but is sitting on it. My educated guess is that greater numbers of serious side effects have been reported, and the agency doesn’t want the public to hear about it until after everyone has received the latest booster. Not that too many would even care about such a report, but an inconvenient report would certainly take the wind out of future booster sales, and the CDC, being the irreversibly corrupt agency that it is, cares more about vax uptake than it does the well-being of the naive human lab rats who are rolling up their sleeves.

Ideologues, fanatics, and the truly evil have filled our regulatory agencies right under our noses. The EPA, the CDC, AMA, et cetera ad infinitum. These people aren’t merely evil, they exhibit a total indifference to the well-being of those who they hold power over. This is probably a far worse development than if we were dealing with the truly evil. What we have is akin to a teenager plowing mowing down pedestrians in a crosswalk because they cared more about the screen in their hands than they do the safety of others. Evil through indifference.

Weekend Links

Biden makes border history with most immigrant encounters recorded for month of August

19 in 20 Oklahoma high school graduates are not prepared to begin college STEM courses. Norman Public Schools recently eliminated weekly spelling tests. Does it seem like NPS cares about the academic outcome of its students?

Oklahoma House speaker warns of ESG’s economic harms

Politico: Biden admin at a loss over growing “anti-vaccine” movement Reap what you sow. Biden stigmatized everyone who made the personal choice to not receive the mRNA injections. He made every effort to remove them from the workforce permanently, upending their lives with no compassion whatsoever.

Trump vows to invoke wartime law that would give him unilateral power to immediately deport anyone in the country illegally.

Dem Colorado governor signs executive order requiring mass replacement of gas-powered lawn equipment with electric

Georgia man exposes himself to 15-year old girl in women’s locker room at Planet Fitness The clear results of gender “inclusivity”.

Drag queen linked to Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence arrested for public masturbation

34% of children put on puberty blockers at UK gender clinic suffered mental health issues, new findings show

How trans ideology is undermining the family

UK Parliament sends letters to social media platforms demanding Russell Brand be demonetized. The Left has become Soviet.