Whatever happened to Lahaina?

Remember Lahaina, the Maui community that was incinerated by by a wildfire back in August? Many questions remain over the cause, the final death toll, and the response by the government, but these questions will go unanswered because the news cycle has thrown out any mention of Lahaina now. This was the plan the entire time: deflect until the majority of the public loses interest. Why were police and utilities trucks blocking the only exits out of Lahaina? Why was no advance warning given to residents? Why did no one working in law enforcement or the Lahaina government even appear to care about what happened, and their role in making the situation worse?

I think I have an answer. There is a type of person, totally incompetent, but able to put on a very convincing appearance of competence. Bullsh** artists, in other words. Airheads, with no actual skills, they infiltrate these administrative positions, and then totally drop the ball when a crisis occurs. This explains the fallout of almost every major disaster to befall the US over the past 30 years. It’s the “mistakes were made” crowd every single time. Stern faces behind lecterns, offering meaningless boilerplate for the media and then washing their hands of the entire affair. How many people die every day due to this type of person employed somewhere that they have no business being? This could be traced back to the hiring process itself. Who is hiring these people? Someone fooled by the BS performance that these people can pull at will.

Also, the strangest thing about these people is that they can ape competence better than those who actually are competent. Which means that, in crisis, we can only be assured that no one is actually in charge, and that whoever is barking orders will only make matters far worse.


I really like watching someone speak for an extended period of time like this, because you can get a much clearer picture of what is being embellished and what is the truth. Some of this sounds embellished based on the way she is speaking and moving, but much of it is true. And this is what the United States is funding.


The Middle East is about to explode

Let it happen without our help. No more aid to Israeli thugs. The hospital massacre of close to 1,000 civilians is the last straw for the Arab world. A coalition of Arab nations is on the verge of jointly declaring war on the tiny apartheid state. Jordan, Lebanon, Iran, Turkey, even Saudi Arabia, will finally drop the hammer, removing a primary source of instability in the region. How arrogant to think that they could get away with so brutal a crime.


Israel bombs hospital, killing 500

First World weapons, made by Uncle Sam and paid for by you, are being utilized by prehistoric tribes to exact blood atonement. Remove Uncle Sam, and the American taxpayer, from this equation, and Israel would become amiable to its neighbors very quickly.


A totalitarianism of prudes

Headlines today read “FDA takes momentous step to ban flavored cigarettes”, and I sense a schoolmarm totalitarianism taking gigantic leaps towards its ultimate goal. Why is the government involved in this at all? What is so bad about allowing adults to choose whether to smoke flavored cigarettes? I understand the answer, that flavors make the cigarettes more appealing to kids, yada yada yada. This isn’t the proper role of government at all, but no one will make a fuss because non smokers despise smokers. “And when they came for the menthol enjoyers, I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a menthol enjoyer”, is really the lesson here. No one ever cares to defend freedom until its enemies at right at their own doorstep, dismantling their liberty without any pushback. And they wonder why.

Another important lesson is that our regulatory agencies are filled with woke prudes. It might seem a contradiction to label as ‘prudes’ the people who want degenerate sex ed taught at very young ages, and who agitate for all-ages drag shows, but prudes they are. They are obsessed with controlling the behavior of others, which is why they aren’t content to live and let live. In animal fashion, they hate those who are different than themselves. They hate the freedom of others. They act on this hate, and so find gainful employment in our bloated regulatory bureaucracy in order to punish the public for being free. These are woke schoolmarms, eager to tell others what to do, and how to live. They make up a vital part of the totalitarian system, just as they did during the Nazi and Soviet regimes.

Forget Ukraine, the War Machine has found a new abattoir

In an instance of comedy following tragedy following comedy, Ukrainian dictator and globalist pet Volodomyr Zelenskyy has been denied his request to visit Israel. It seems he’s getting a sense of what it feels like to be use and discarded by the western war machine.

With Hamas’ brutal mass murder of Israelites, Ukraine is no longer in the spotlight. The country will surely be slowly devoured behind the scenes now. Hollowed out and remade.

Despite the news cycle turning exclusively to Israel/Gaza, we have the spectacle of the US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, foolishly asserting that the US can “certainly” fund and arm two wars at the same time.

In the meantime, a regional war in the Middle East is brewing between Israel and Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran/Turkey. Others may follow. Israel is now dropping the internationally banned white phosphorous bombs both on the border of Lebanon and Gaza, while conducting an indiscriminate bombing campaign in the latter “country”.

Reports indicate that over 2,000 of Gaza’s captive residents have been killed by Israel’s bombs, and the region’s patience with Israel is wearing thin. Blood-for-blood retribution is what we’re seeing in Gaza, and America’s weapons industry is licking its chops over the prospect of a wider war.

For days, Israel has prepared for a ground offensive in Gaza, only now seemingly to have chickened out in favor of more bombs.

Yet again we’re confronted with a ruling class desperately attempting to start a wildfire, totally indifferent to the cost in innocent lives and money.

It’s animal vs animal

Not good vs evil. This is an ancient tribal blood feud among barbarians who have now been gifted modern weaponry.
