A sawdust cloud in search of a match

Europe’s policy of allowing the unrestricted entry of millions of Middle Eastern migrants has created a precarious situation for the native population. Unassimilated and unwilling to assimilate, these migrants, mostly young men, have brought with them values and prejudices totally at odds with the nation whose shores they’ve washed up on. There are plenty of reports of the criminal activities of the migrants, but nothing as of yet that has catalyzed them into large-scale coordinated violence. That may have changed with the latest Israel/Gaza conflict.


That time that Israeli terrorists assassinated World War 2 hero Folke Bernadotte

Folke Bernadotte secured the release of over 30,000 Nazi concentration camp inmates during World War 2. He was famed for his ability to negotiate, and so he was seen as the obvious choice to mediate Israeli statehood in 1948. The Israeli militants did not want mediation, and they did not want Bernadotte to play any part in the conflict. And so, in a supreme act of irony, the “Stern Gang” of Israeli terrorists murdered a man responsible for saving the lives of tens of thousands of Jews from the Nazis.

Israel is probably the most ironic nation to have ever existed. Born out of a global outpouring of compassion for their treatment at the hands of Nazi butchers, they became a mirror-image version of their oppressors. It is downright Freudian. They became butchers and concentration camp overseers, in the same way a child who was abused grows up and becomes an abuser.

Will this next generation of saber-rattling neocons now join the IDF?

It is astoundingly easy to join the Israeli military. You pretty much just have to show up and tell them you want to enlist. The website explains it in very simple terms:

Contact the IDF Enlistment Center’s Coordinator for New Immigrants: idfoleh@gmail.com

Contact the IDF Enlistment Center directly: meitav@idf.gov.il

Every year, thousands of soldiers — from Israel and all around the world — join the Israel Defense Forces. The one thing that nearly all IDF soldiers have in common is their draft day experience.

What’s the first day like?

If you, too, are joining the IDF soon, or even thinking about doing so, perhaps you’ve wondered what your first day will be like. Here’s a brief preview of what will be a memorable day.

1. Recruitment Bureau: On the morning of your draft day, you will report to the location indicated on your draft notice. That place is called a “Lishkat Giyus” (Recruitment Bureau). They’re all around the country.

2. The Bakum: From your draft location, you’ll be taken by bus with other draftees to a base known as the Bakum. There you’ll begin your transition from civilian to soldier. At the Bakum, someone will always be available to help you move from station to station if you get confused.

(Men, if your hair is too long, you’ll get it cut at the Bakum. This is the military, after all. Ladies, you’ll have to put it in a topknot or ponytail if it’s over shoulder-length.)

3. Say Cheese! Stand in line to take a photograph for your army ID card. Rumor has it whoever smiles in their photograph will become an officer… act accordingly.

4. Personal Interview: After that, you’ll move on to one-on-one interviews, questionnaires, waivers and consent forms — sign here, date there, sign here again.

5. Biometric: Then you’ll have your fingerprints scanned, teeth x-rayed, blood samples taken, immunizations injected. Nothing hurts too much, we promise!

6. Soldier Up! Then it will be time for you to dress like a soldier. Shirts, pants, boots, socks and more — throw everything in your kit bag and move to the dressing rooms. At first, you won’t know how to wear your uniform properly, how to lace your boots or how to fold your beret. Word will spread about proper techniques — all the new recruits help each other.

(Take note — army sizes are really weird. Just see whatever fits you, don’t worry about the numbers.)

7. Pause: The important thing is that you take a moment to look up at the mirror and see yourself in an IDF uniform. Congratulations — you’re now officially a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces.

8. And, Go: Don’t just stand there, though. In the army, being on time is of great importance. A bus will be waiting for you to take you to your basic training base.

Will someone like Ben Shapiro, who unceasingly demands bloodshed of Gaza residents, join up and go kill some himself? You know he won’t. He may be in denial, but he has nothing in common with the nation he has so naively romanticized. They are barbarians, and they behave like barbarians. Only now they’ve been given modern weapons, and so do far more damage than they ever could have with their clubs and rocks. And that is all they would still have, were it not for the products of the modern world.

Talk is cheap. Maybe we should shame a few chicken-hawks into enlisting, but I doubt it. It is not cowardly to speak out against war. It is cowardly to demand war, and refuse to take part in it.

Rubber-necking a bloodbath

The pro-Israel crowd is now gleefully sharing amateur snuff films across social media, ones that depict brutal and graphic murder of innocent civilians. They’re also sharing hi-def video of Israel’s large-scale bombing of Gaza. People, probably decent people, who have never set foot outside their own state, much less the United States, are reveling in the animal horror, and forcing others to participate. The Israel/Palestinian conflict is giving everyone a sense of purpose again, and they’ve latched on to it with the fervency with which they clung to COVID hysteria.

Men and women of the West feel no meaning in their lives, and so they live vicariously through faraway events, gaining a counterfeit meaning via proxy. A certain segment of the American conservative population have rediscovered their appetite for Muslim genocide, and many of these fools are boldly stating that Gaza should just be wiped out. Would they pull the trigger, if they were put in front of a Gaza family?

We’re all supposed to take sides in this faraway conflict that has nothing to do with us, apart from our own government’s involvement in funding and arming the occupying state of Israel. But in a conflict between rabid animals, there is no taking sides. The moment anyone points out reasons for the Hamas slaughter, they’re shouted down. No one wants reasons, they want to remain in the drugged trance of raw emotion.