Real, hereditary royalty, which works on a timeline of decades, rather than four-year stints as we have in the West. The system of monarchy was so natural, so amenable to human character, so charming, and so stable in comparison to our nitroglycerin tank democracies. The leveling spirit infuses and animates our democracies, and our technological hedonism instills a hatred in us of an aesthetic monarchy. No, the world needs the white cubicles and strobing LED lights of a western democracy. And this is how our form of government replicates.
We subjects of this IKEA form of government now move through the world as one moves through a museum. All beauty placed behind glass, all grand feats of architecture past looked upon with reverence, but with the assumption that this will never again be attempted. History has become a mausoleum, and it almost feels that we’ve reached the endpoint of history itself. Technology is now in the driver’s seat, and everything created now has the appearance of having emerged from the vacuum left by beauty’s absence. Beauty and romanticism are now scorned. Who are we to wish for anything more than our pocket computer and various screens that now fill our houses? Maybe one day soon, God will remember that we’re here and give the biosphere a nice shake. Maybe we’ll wake up in the 13th century and relearn what it means to be alive.
The shah of Iran knew.
— ( WOLF )
(@a8d0d554a87e4f7) November 7, 2023